Sunday, July 1, 2012

Surprise Party and Missing Feline

Its pretty much past my bedtime and yet I am stuck watching these gals do flips on a 4" beam like its nothing.  If that were a sobriety test, I'd fail.  Every time.  Last time I pretended I was a gymnast it was 1991 and I was on the railing of our deck.  Apparently, I was not Shannon Miller as I thought.  5 minutes later I'm laying in the yard screaming bloody murder because my arabesque turned into a 6ft face plant and a broken wrist. 
My gymnastic days were over.

What a weekend.  It was the official birthday weekend for yours truly, and it started Friday in what I thought would just be a quiet day of shopping and then dinner.  Welllll, not so much.  As I was getting ready to head to the Nike store (mouth watering), I discovered that Ryan left the front door open and Oscar was missing.  I freaked.  I looked everywhere and sure enough he was gone.
This cat has not been outside in 4 years.  He's been spoiled, pampered, and everything else in the time we've had him, so to think that he was out there on his own seriously made me sick to my stomach.  And what horrible timing for this to happen on my birthday!  Needless to say, I was upset all day.  We put out food and hoped for the best.

Well, the day rolled on and Ryan said to be ready for dinner at 6:15.  To get in the car and not know where in the world we were going sort of freaked me out.  I was a kidnapping victim in my own car.  He thought it was funny to basically drive circles for 40 minutes.  You can imagine the restraint I practiced not to just go off and backhand him.  But by the end of the ride I knew we were headed to my brother's house.  It was a surprise party with my family and a few close friends.  Honestly, it was perfect.  It was like Christmas....minus Jesus...and more about me.  So basically not Christmas...
Mom decided to put up pictures from my mullet/perm days.  That was awesome.  Everyone needs to be reminded of the "ugly years"....thanks mom.
And then there was the "cake" that my brother came up with....

They thought it would go to waste.  Yeah right.  I won't waste good poultry.  I brought it home....ate every bit of it.  Boom.

Mom has also developed this sneaky way of decluttering her own house.  Her method is to wrap up our old stuff and play the this-used-to-be-yours-and-is-sentimental-so-take-it card.  Clever.  But truly, it is sweet.  Friday she wrapped up my old ballet slippers...

Maybe one day she'll find my old hamster.

Well, it was a long weekend that ended on a high note.  Oscar returned home at 3am this morning.  Soaking wet and covered in leaves.  He's still recovering and moving really slow, but we are thrilled to have that feline back!

New week.  Busy week.
I'm ready to get back to work tomorrow and be with my peeps.  I've got some great stories to come of client successes...
Receiving excited texts of their victories is a great feeling, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Very cool.

Night folks!  Full steam ahead on this week.  Keep moving forward... :)

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