Monday, July 2, 2012

Down For The Count...

Its the start of week 4 of no gum.
Honestly, I hardly think about it anymore.  Well, until I was standing in line at Lowes Foods yesterday and Extra chewing gum was 10 for $5.  You would have thought I was stocking up for Armageddon.  No, I didn't chew any, but they are in my pantry just waiting for me...
I hid them in the back like I was hiding vodka from my kids. 
I don't have kids.
Thus, I don't hide vodka.
I hide gum.
From myself.
Its sad.

Long day at the gym.
Typical Monday, but I was pretty spent by 2pm.  As I said yesterday, I am excited to report numerous victories from a handful of clients.  I received several texts this weekend of people fitting in old clothes that were once snug, finally feeling confident, sticking to the plan, losing weight after a non-budging scale, was awesome.  Very proud of you ladies ;)

Ok, topic of the day was definitely the Olympic trials....more specifically the infamous uneven bar face-plant.   When Nastia Liukin ate mat last night I was basically glued to the tv after that.  Yes, it was horrible, but it was still a face-plant.  Being the horrible person I am about stuff like that, I was longing for a replay.  If she'd been seriously injured it would be a different story.  But she wasn't.  She got back on the horse and rode into the wind.
I, on the other hand would have faked a concussion and laid there until either the paramedics came or I passed out from lack of oxygen while my head stayed buried in the floor.  Those gymnasts don't play around though.  But the commentating sometimes pisses me off.  Here's a 15 year old girl who hasn't hit a growth spurt since the 90's, running full speed to do some freakishly amazing flip off a vault, and they say "that was so close, but do you see where her feet came apart right there...mmm...disappointing performance."  What?  Feet apart?  My God, she just went in and out of fetal position 6 times while rotating clockwise and waving to the crowd.  Screw your 7/10 of a point deduction.  I give her 5 points for being crazy enough to try it, and another 10 for not dieing in the process.
This is probably why I'm not a judge.

Well, I've got a couple of salads to make for tomorrow, a gym bag to pack, and more Olympic madness to watch.  Big workout day tomorrow.  Game time folks...mind right!

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