Saturday, July 7, 2012

Up Early.........Really Early...

Holy crap I am tired.
Its 10am and I've already done my photoshoot, went grocery shopping, and washed a load of laundry.  Yes, you read that correctly.  My day started eeeaarrllyy.

We decided to do the shoot at the gym, so that meant it had to be completely pitch black in there.  Sooo, we met at 4am.....which meant I left the house at 3:30....which meant I was up at 2:30 doing hair and make-up.  Other than hookers, I was the only person up at that hour strapping on fake lashes.  Gluing those stupid things on ranks up there with the rubik's cube.  After 15 minutes and a few swear words those lashes weren't going anywhere.  I might leave them on for the next 4 days....just in case....of what, I'm not exactly sure...
It was a great shoot, and I will post some pics when I get them back!

It may not have been a competition, but it was a short-term goal to reach.  I busted my butt the last 12 weeks to decrease the size of my legs (muscle and fat), increase my shoulders, and drop overall weight for better proportion.  It was an interesting combination of goals that made my training/nutrition plan a little tricky, but I was pleased overall.  I dropped 1.5" in each thigh, 2.5" in the rear, and 9 pounds total by shoot time this morning. 
My goals are perhaps slightly more detailed than most, and I don't generally recommend getting that caught up in a ton of numbers.  It can get obsessive if you're not careful.
Ah,...time for a day of rest.  I will enjoy a few foods I haven't had in the last couple of months, a glass of wine, and a full 8 hours of coma-like sleep.  Honestly, I'm probably most excited about the sleep.

Lastly, a warm birthday wish to my wonderful sister-in-law!!  She is an amazing woman who inspires me on so many levels.  I consider it a blessing to call her sister and a dear dear friend.  Happy Birthday Kelly, I love you!!

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