Thursday, July 5, 2012

More Gifts and Post-Firework-Bloat

Today felt like Monday #2.
I pretty much woke up in a fog, and remained there until about 11am.  Client after client walked in today complaining of being bloated and hungover from July 4th festivities.  I have little sympathy and find it very ironic that we celebrate our freedom by stuffing our face and bonging beer like we're still 21 and stupid. 
I'm probably just a little bitter because my July 4th was uneventful.
Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed getting things done around the house and then running errands, however, it was certainly not the typical July 4th.  Usually I'm at the beach or pool, but neither of those were an option...first, because I didn't feel like driving to the coast, and second, our pool was closed because some kid thought the 2ft was also a toilet. 
He probably lost a few friends yesterday.  Sat in timeout.  Contemplated what he did.  And then plotted to do it again before summer is over.
And I confidently say "he" because there's a 99.99% chance it was a boy. 
Crappy timing.
On a different note, today was my last weight workout before my shoot Saturday.  I've got a little cardio tomorrow, but nothing major.  My body is tired,...very tired.  And honestly, I was having big cravings today.  I know some of it has to do with the fact that I just need sleep, but the other is the fact that its hot as hell outside and fro-yo sounds amazing right now.  1 more day...

The highlight of my day came when Kelly and the girls stopped by.  They weren't even there 2 minutes before I was assisting Payton on pull-ups in the squat rack.  She was repping them out like a champ....looks like we've got another meathead in the fam ;)

They came by to give me my official birthday gift from Payton and Haven.  Honestly, those girls could have farted in the bag and I would have loved it.

First, was a travel mug with their pictures on it (in outfits I gave them)...

And second was a personalized to-do list...unbelievable.  It was an OCDgasm.  Love it.

What an awesome day.
Now its time for some shut-eye and ready to roll tomorrow.  Have a great night folks!

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