Tuesday, July 17, 2012


You know its going to be a long day when you wake up face down, mouth open, and your cat nearly straddling your head.
If my walk from the bed to the bathroom were a sobriety test I'd fail every time.  I was stumbling like Otis and turning on the light practically sent me to the floor.  Moreover, it revealed the awesome sheet marks on my face.  Sweet,...Tuesday here we go.

My morning was pretty typical, and certainly filled with numerous laughs with clients.
One of my clients had an out of town guest who came in and said I was "cute."  I didn't know how to respond.  Why?  Because I haven't been "cute" since the time between I learned to wipe and just before my mom gave me a mullet. 
I don't get that one too often.  But I appreciate it, I do.

I had a new eval today...young lady...inactive, but setting some pretty intense goals.  I like that, but when she said she wanted the fast-track-to-fit  I had to call a time-out.  Yes, I pulled out the basketball hand signal as well.  "Fast-track?!"  Ha.  Why are we constantly looking for a quick fix?  Its like our inner drug-addict rears its ugly head and we want a 6-pack and striated glutes overnight.  No chance.  Heaven forbid we actually have to work one day at a time for the sake of our health. 
I laughed and then went through my you're-gonna-have-to-work-for-it-and-its-even-ok-to-hate-me speech.  I think she got the point.

My own workout was brutal.  I mixed things up today and hit shoulders and quads.  Different exercises, different order, sucking wind like a smoker.  The only thing good about leg/quad day is no cardio.....except if you count the 7 times I walked to the bathroom during the workout.  10,000 step challenge?  Consider it done by noon between the desk and bathroom.  I'd blow that pedometer up.  Pretty sure most first graders have bigger bladders than me, which proves to be quite inconvenient during the work day...

Almost time for bed.
I have a couple of phone calls to make and then I get to resume fetal position.  Can't wait.  Hope its been a great Tuesday.  Remember, no fast-tracks-easy-fix...get your mind right and dare to push yourself hard each day.  Fight temptations, stay focused, and then bask in your own greatness :)

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