Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Horrible Timing...

I woke up 4 times last night thinking I had ants on me.
I didn't.
Minor freak-out that managed to leave me a little more tired by the time I actually had to roll out of bed.  Each time I turned on the light Oscar would look at me like I'm nuts.   The 4th time I apparently interrupted an early-morning-bathing-session and when I flipped the light on he was in the process of cleaning his rear about 2 feet from my head.  He just glared at me as if to remind me that he has less to clean down there because of me. 
Darn right you do buddy.  That $65 was an investment in Mebane's feline virginity. 

I got my cardio out of the way before my morning clients which meant I was borderline asleep when I stepped on the treadmill, but was glad to have it done.  I only downed about 1 cup of coffee before the sweat-session so I was definitely looking forward to the other 2 afterward.  Ahhh yes, my coffee.  Honestly, I'd probably snort it.
Overall, great start to the morning.  One client showed up with a fever...seriously?  Get your butt home.  Yes, I sent him home...a minor head cold is one thing,...a fever, whole new ball game. 

Time for a Target story...

I ran a couple of errands before my afternoon crowd, and my last stop was supposed to be Target.  Well, after the second errand, my 5 year old bladder kicked in and I was practically losing my mind holding it on the highway.  I contemplated heading straight back to the gym because I was already so tired, but figured I'd waddle into Target and head straight for the bathroom before getting my groceries. 
I was seriously in pain.  It was one of those moments where I literally could not think of anything else.  I rushed to the bathroom and ran in the first stall.  Surprisingly clean.  Yay.  I lock the door and then all of a sudden I hear a man's voice "...uhh...the bathroom is closed for cleaning!"  Are you kidding me?!  Who cleans the toilets at 1pm?!  I mean, thank you for cleaning them, but damn you right now!
I was 2 seconds from saying screw it, playing deaf, and going anyway.  Instead, I kept my pants on and headed for the meat department.  It was going to be all I could do to make it back to work.  Of course on the day I was in a rush, I get in the line with the slowest possible cashier.  Not sure if it was a joke to her or if she'd gotten word from Joe in stall #4 that my bladder was about to explode, and thought it would be funny to fake rheumatoid arthritis and take as long as possible to ring up 12 items.

I made it to the car and just kept reminding myself I only had to make it 5 more minutes.  I could do this.  I turn on the car and all of a sudden DHT comes blaring through the speakers. For the record, when you gotta go, the remix version of Listen To Your Heart screaming at you feels like 2 midgets using your bladder as a punching bag.  I was dying.
I rode in silence the rest of the way.
When I made it back to the gym I nearly ran over Garrett on my way to the bathroom.
That was the longest 37 minutes of my life today.
Thank you Target.

I'm exhausted just reliving that whole episode.  My days are never dull, that's for sure.
And now its time to wash my dishes and head to bed.  Tomorrow is packed, as well as the next 3 time...


  1. There will be no hope for you when you are pregnant!! Might as well insert a foley catheter and just accept it ;)

    1. Yes, I will be in big trouble. I will buy diapers for the baby......and myself ;)

  2. My son works there. He says there's a single restroom with a lockable door in the waiting area by the pharmacy. Check it out

    1. This is awesome news....will definitely check it out :) Woohoo!!

  3. I don't know how I missed this post and the ones above...much to catch up on! I'm laughing over your story and majorly relating. Except I was in Greece, 5.5 months pregnant and there was no toilet paper in any stall - AND signs that said, "Please do not flush." WTF?!
