Monday, July 16, 2012

Thank You Tatum

I think Monday just crotch-kicked everyone that walked in the door today.
There were more breakdowns, outbursts, and vents than I've heard in a while, and not going to lie it was a long day for me too.  I had every intention of getting in bed early, but that did not happen as planned.  One night of poor sleep will screw up the next 3, and before I know it I'm trying to sneak 20 second naps on the mat while simultaneously demonstrating ab exercises.  Yes, I was tired.

I honestly have no real excuse except that I stayed up late on Saturday night.  However, after seeing Magic Mike I was pretty much wide awake.  I like to think that when they were trying to come up with a catchy beginning to get audiences engaged, after rounds of suggestions, one guy pops up with the genius idea of telling Channing Tatum to take his pants off.  And there you have the perfect beginning.  Its no Snow White fairytale, but if the dwarfs looked like that, no shot that tramp would have gone into a coma.
Worth every bit of $9.50.
I would have paid 10.

Speaking of money, I was talking with a client today about the cost of eating healthy.  I hear all the time, "It just costs way too much to eat healthy."  First of all, nice try, poor excuse...because truth is that it is not as expensive as people may think.  Yes, if you buy retail organic items the cost will increase, but not everything needs to be organic.  Seriously.  Making a few changes will save you more in the long run.  I eat 6 meals a day and all my meals cost me under $1.50 each...that's roughly 9 dollars a day.  THE WHOLE DAY.  Many people blow that at lunch in 30 minutes.  Give me a break.  Do yourself a favor, take the time to pack a lunch/snacks and take charge of your health.  You'll actually save money in the long run...

Its almost after 9 and a pan of salmon residue is staring at me.  Ugh...washing dishes is for the birds...and anyone seeking to be remotely sanitary.  Eh,...some days I question this madness.
It was short and sweet tonight.
Here's to a loooong Monday and the Tuesday that awaits.  Night!

1 comment:

  1. I never realized just how cheap healthy eating could be until I spent a mere 3 days with my best friend in CA. She and her husband basically live from paycheck to paycheck and yet she always manages to prepare a meal at home from the most basic ingredients (canned tuna, whole wheat bread, frozen meat, pasta, whatever). They use up every last item in the fridge, freezer and pantry before heading back to the grocery store. I didn't realize how much money *I* could save by actually using the stuff I buy before letting it go to waste.

    Ok I'm off my soapbox :) On a more fun topic - Channing Tatum...shirtless... I think that says it all. I can't for the life of me figure out why Chris isn't interested in seeing this movie... ;)
