Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sticky Keys

7am and I am sweating all over the computer.
Either this coffee lit an unbelievable fire in me or I just hit menopause at 29.  Seriously, I am sticking to the keys...

I've got about 45 minutes before I hit some cardio and perhaps I'm just delaying the laundry that needs to be folded upstairs.  I despise folding laundry.  Thus, I try to hang everything in the closet.  I'd hang my underwear if I thought it wouldn't look creepy.  But it would.  So I don't.
Its just one of those things where, if something happened to me and people came to my house to clean out my stuff, I wouldn't want them staring at my color-coordinated-thongs hanging beside my Nike section trying to figure out the severity of my OCD.  I'd rather leave some things a mystery.

Well, its been a long week and I can't seem to break this exhausted feeling.
I've honestly woken up the last 3 days beyond tired and just cannot seem to shake it.  I think my body is ready for some much needed vacation.  Only a few more weeks and then I'll be soaking up the sun on the beach with the fam.  First full week get-away vacation in 2 years....I seriously may not know what to do with myself.
You might find me down the beach running some sort of make shift bootcamp in my swimsuit at 7am.  Ridiculous.

I had a very cool meeting with a woman yesterday about possibly co-authoring a book.  She's basically been to hell and back with her health in the last 3 years and through a rough experience found that eating natural and incorporating exercise saved her life.  Imagine that.  Her story is truly remarkable, and to hear someone so passionately want to share it with others and encourage good health is inspiring.  Because honestly, I hear more of "well we all have to die of something, so I might as well die happy with the foods I want"....what crap.  So you're basing your happiness on what you put in your mouth and pass out your rear later?  Yeah, that makes sense.
I am excited to work on this project with her, and really think she has something here.  And truly, if it reaches just a handful of folks and changes their lives, that's a great accomplishment.
Very cool.

Ok, cardio time.  Being that its not 105 degrees out, I might actually go for a jog.  Holy moly, now I'm getting ambitious...
Have a lovely weekend folks and here's to good health!!

1 comment:

  1. Co-authoring a book with that woman would be awesome - I'd be the first to read it!

    You deserve a vacation! Hopefully somewhere cooler or that at least has water within a 10 foot radius ;)
