Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Today was one of those days where I would have really considered taking a punch to the face for an extra hour of sleep.  If it knocked me out, even better. 
It was all I could do to get myself moving, and after demonstrating my first few squats I knew it was going to be a rough morning.  I find that Tuesdays are often like that,...Monday's hangover.  However, I did manage to squeeze in a 10 minute nap this afternoon.  It wasn't exactly by choice.  I was sitting there writing up programs and the next thing I know I am face down on the desk.  I wake up minutes later and give Garrett the where-am-I-what-day-is-it-and-are-these-my-pants look. 
Anyway, I glance down and it was junior year English class all over again......puddle of drool staring me in the face.  Awesome.
If I had a desk job, there's a 100% chance this would be a daily occurrence.  I had to get up before I was tempted to assume fetal position on the floor. 
Tile, carpet, hardwood,...there is a point at which I no longer care.

Ironically, I had a really good workout.
I think part of it has to do with the fact that because I am so physically tired, I have to focus and push that much harder.  Doesn't exactly add up, but I'm completely fine with a great workout however it happens. 
Everyday is different.  Some days you mentally have to push yourself physically, and other days you have to just let your body take over when you're mind is struggling to focus.  Point is, you get the job done one way or another.

After my workout I had to hit up Teeter for some groceries, and you would have thought everyone else had the same idea. 
This is not a good thing for me because not only am I generally in a hurry, but I will run through there like its a game show and take people out in the process.  Its horrible, I know.  But then there is the other extreme.  Those select few who choose to move at the same pace as an amoeba, and do so down the center of every aisle.  For the love of God, pick a side.  Right or left...2 great choices...make a decision you terrible shoppers.
So perhaps it was karma when I nearly got run over by an old man in a scooter.  By the look on his face you would have thought he was the food police and I just violated a yam.  He came flying around the corner and slammed on his brakes, and all I could think was if he fakes a neck injury and takes me out at the knees, it is on. 
He glared at me for approximately 10 seconds, which felt like minutes, and then went on his way.  I know he secretly wanted to spit on my broccoli. 
Eh,...I don't blame him.

Time for some Olympics before hitting the bed.
Lots of spandex on tv,...which is great.  But seriously, if they cut those women's swim suits anymore, there's going to be worldwide nipple shots.  And the backstroke just got a little scarier...
Someone asked me today when was the last time I swam.  Are you kidding,...I can't even float.  And if I got on the blocks, there's a greater chance I'd do a cannonball than a dive.

Alright folks, hump day here we come!  Night!


  1. My thoughts exactly about the women's bathing suits!!!!!

  2. I do everything in my power to avoid Harris Teeter. There's something about that place that seriously pisses me off. Constant long-lines, broken self-checkout machines, parents wanting to let their kids push all the buttons on the self-checkout machines, people paying by check (it's 2012 and called a DEBIT CARD), the fact that I always seem to drop in on senior citizen/coupon day...I swear I'd rather shop at Wal-Mart on a Saturday afternoon. Ok that's a lie.

    As far as the Olympic bathing suits...I've been having similar thoughts about the men's synchronized diving suits. Although the bigger question is probably why I'm actually watching men's synchronized diving...
