Sunday, July 29, 2012

Egg Hunt

Sunday night already....geez...
The weekend flew by and I pretty much sweated my way through it.  Saturday I drove up to Elon to watch Ryan coach a baseball game.  It was an 11:30 game and honestly I was soaking wet after the 2nd inning.  I look over to this gal two seats down from me barely glistening and I instantly stopped liking her.  95 degrees and no sweat?!  Meanwhile I'm over there marinating in my own filth. 
My mother-in-law comes to sit with me and comments that I have sweat running down my leg.
It will match my pit stains and keep people wondering if I'm truly sweating that much or if I wet my pants. 
I want to sit on ice.......until November.

My mom, sister-in-law, and I hosted a bridal shower this afternoon for my cousin.  I am pooped.  We had a great time and I probably should have been cut off from the coffee, but whatever, I was on a roll.  And it was my dose of sanity after the 11th time answering the why-haven't-you-had-kids-yet-whats-wrong-with-you question.  They look at me as if my ovaries are growing mold.  After 4 years of marriage and turning 29, I'm used to it.  But where is it written that at a certain point my uterus should morph into an easy-bake-fetus-oven?  Apparently I missed that page.
I probably lose eggs every time I'm asked.

On another note...
Kelly and I had a great conversation today about working out and health habits.  Her life is much different than it used to be with 2 girls under the age of 3, but she admits it boils down to priorities and choosing to find time.  Its true.  I was thinking about this earlier today.  We've made life so easy and convenient that we are often oblivious to our own poor health.  We drive everywhere, often sit all day at work, and then buy prepackaged food we didn't actually have to go out and gather.  We are spoiled and lazy.  We want quick-and-easy with everything, exert as little effort as possible, and then point fingers when we don't receive desired results, even when our efforts do not correlate with our goals.  Yes, there are exceptions, but look around.  The state of our health as a whole is ridiculous.
I get a little fired up.  And truly, the best thing we can do is simply help ourselves.  Get moving get the crap off our plates.  Its no one's but our own responsibility.

Ah yes, Monday awaits. 
Its a busy day ahead,...busy week,...and then I'm off to Atlanta.  I'm headed there for a Titleist conference, and pretty pumped about it.  The golf world is not prepared for this...

Alright folks, its a new week ahead.  Game time. 


  1. I thought of you today when I drove through Dunkin' Donuts (don't yell yet!) and ordered a large iced coffee. Why didn't I learn from our experience at Panera? They should've just sold me the whole canister. I think I've consumed enough caffeine to last me the rest of the year.

    I agree with you about helping ourselves - I don't think it's possible to make any changes in any aspect of our lives until we quit blaming the world and start taking responsibility. A certain someone helped me do that ;)

    Enjoy your conference in Atlanta...maybe you'll get a break from the heat? Ha ha..HA...sorry... I'm ready for November too.

  2. haha...little coffee-drunk-experience? Nice. The best is when you're sweating profusely and sitting in a place where the AC is jacked up so high everyone else around you is bordering on frostbite.
    Story of my life :)

    That's right...grab life by the horns and make the changes necessary for a healthier/happier SELF!

  3. Gah!!! Don't you hate the "when are you having a baby" question?? I've been asked that since BEFORE Josh and I ever got married...and right after we got married- I come back to work a week and a half later (after wedding/honeymoon) and I'm asked by at least 5 people when are we going to start a family..WTH?

    Why is it that since we are women and have a vagina we are automatically supposed to want to pop babies out? A family is a great thing and eventually one day we will start one, but people really should lay off the whole baby question. I may sound selfish and un-womanly saying this- but there is more to life than popping out kids. Don't get me wrong- kids are great and i love kids, but gah!
