Monday night I honestly have more energy tonight than I normally do on a Monday evening. Part of it is because I made myself go to bed before 11 from Thursday night I have anything going on after 11:00 anyway. I don't....and haven't for about 5 years now. Sad, but at 27 years old, I'm totally ok with that.
I went to a local competition this weekend to "get my mind right" if you will. The second I walked in I could smell the ProTan...ah yes, it was awesome. The lights, the stage, painted muscle-heads some freaky Avatar was great. At that moment I got chills...this is really it...I'm headed back to the stage. I sat off to the side by myself to take it all in and look at every competitor up and down like I was running my own security measure or something. There were some decent physiques there, but again, it was a small local show so it wasn't too competitive. One thing I kept noticing was lack of stage presence. Dear Lord, I know its nerve-racking, but there was this one chic who looked like she'd just witnessed murder...I honestly thought she was either going to have a heart attack or cry...or both. Hell, I almost cried...
I think for a lot of women who compete its simply about getting to the stage. Just to say they did it is a success in their mind. That's all well and good, but I'm just tad bit more competitive than that. Ha. Just a tad. Getting to the stage is good. Winning is better. I think I'm just wired that way. It always used to trip me out in high school when we would have team meetings for volleyball or softball, and there were always those few girls who would speak up and say "let's just all focus on having fun and enjoying the game". Blahhh...And its always the same people who bark about equal playing time. They sat the bench for a reason...and hopefully they "enjoyed the game" from there. Here's a thought...if we're winning while you're not playing, and the goal is to win, then let's not screw this up by putting you in the game. I'm a little harsh, I know....perhaps I'm not ready to coach little league just yet. Give me 5 minutes and I'll have a 7 year old crying and a pissed off mom yelling obscenities from the stands...
Down to business...
I was pumped for today. I was ready to hit the weights hard. I dropped my reps to lift for more strength today since I still have 2 weeks to go and my strength has been lacking....and it will help preserve muscle as I do one last calorie drop. My chest is going to be raw tomorrow. I was truly thrilled with how my weights went today and then it was time for sprints. I wanted to hit my legs pretty hard, so I warmed up for a few minutes and the went 15 seconds on, and 45 seconds off for 20 minutes...incline 7, then 8, then 9, and ending at 10 for the last 3. My heartrate stayed a little lower than normal, but my legs were taxed. I'll take it.
Flat DB bench press 4 x 8
Inlcine DB press 3 x 8
Cable flys 3 x 8
Declined push-ups 2 x failure
Seated BB shoulder press (8x)/ss lateral raises (8x) 4 sets
Bent arm raises (10x)/front raises (10x) 3 sets
Sprints 25 minutes
I worked on my posing for about 15 minutes after sprints...trying to hold a good quad flex after that was a joke. I started cramping like a mad woman. Couple that with the callus' on my feet being squeezed into those shoes, and I was a mess. Just know that when you see me on stage, my feet are screaming, and I've got more glue holding that top to my breasts than you could imagine. Don't light a match within 10 feet of me...more specifically, my chest. Who knew A-cups could be a fire hazard??...
Its 9:00 and I need to be in bed ASAP. Leg day tomorrow....and I'm gonna go a little heavier...woohoo!! Get pumped. I'm more excited than I should be right now...I need a life.
And a quick note...I've been receiving the BEST emails, texts, and facebook messages from some of you about my show. Your encouragement means more than you know, and I am overwhelmed with gratitude! Training and contest prep gets lonely, exhausting, and beyond frustrating at times...and there have been numerous occasions when your words are in the back of my mind keeping me going. Thank you...I am blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing people :)
Have a lovely night....onward to Tuesday we roll...
Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think fabulous, velvety, sexy suit!! :)