Tuesday, April 26, 2011

31 Flavors

The universe was against me from 4:30 this morning.  Actually, from about 2:46...which, was when I woke up and checked the clock...and then continued to wake up and check the clock about every 15 minutes until 4:30.  It was like I was waiting for an evacuation call...I was wide awake and full steam ahead.  Ever have those days when you get to work and it feels like you were just there about an hour ago?  Yeah, today was one of those days.  I had about 45 minutes to write up 12 workout plans so my morning would go smoothly.  By the 8th one I was tempted to just write "squat til you bleed...then squat some more."  My brain was on overload from little rest and not enough caffeine in the system just yet.  But the day rolls on...

In general, my body feels less tense since the show.  My strength has recovered quite a bit,...with help from the gradual 7 day carb load I did last week.  Ha....that's the nice way of saying I ate some sugar-coated-crap along the way.  But after 16 weeks of hard dieting, its amazing I didn't go straight to Baskin Robbins and stick my head in one of those ice cream buckets.  Don't tempt me...cookies-n-creme is sweet sweet tub-o-love. 

Workout today was good.  I started with legs...lighter weight, less rest time, and not to failure.  I actually wouldn't mind losing a little bit of muscle in my quads.  Proportionally, they are big...a little too big.  I'd rather dial them in a bit.  But not going to lie, doing light weight is a struggle for me.  I don't like it....but I gotta do what I gotta do right now.  Next, I hit chest pretty heavy.  Reps of 6-7 on all my lifts...felt great.  Ended the day with some cardio...let's not even talk about it.

Walking lunges 3 x 30 yards
Squat jumps 4 x 15, 30 seconds rest between sets
Hamstring curls 3 x 15
Leg extensions 3 x 15
Lunge jumps 4 x 20, 30 seconds rest between sets
Flat DB bench press 4 x 6-7 (*all 4 sets with 50's..PR!)
DB flys 4 x 6-7
Incline DB press 4 x 6
Cardio 45 minutes

So tomorrow is looking like cardio/sprints/core.  Not too shabby...

Had a 72 year old woman want me to help her get a "nice shapely booty" as she put it.  Ha...I hope I still desire a nice ass at that age.  Heck, I hope my ass can still move at that point.  I'll probably be the old bitter woman in the corner complaining about the weather, family members, my teeth falling out, etc... Either that, or entertaining everyone with crude comments.  Gotta love older folk who have no filter...just saying whatever they want.  And who is going to be the one to call them out on it?  No one wants to offend the only person in the group who is one step away from a busted hip and meeting Jesus.  Let them live their dream...talk on my dear old friend, talk on...

Well, I've got to cook some veggies, measure out some fish, and then hit the bed.  In 9 hours I will be back at work...there's no telling what form I'll be in tomorrow...here we go...

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