Friday, February 25, 2011

Sweet and Sour Cat

You would think that after being able to sleep in past 4:30 and not have to rush out to work, that I would wake up refreshed and ready to roll.  Not so much.  Yes, I did sleep in until 6:30, but was rudely woken up by my cat whining for food at 5:00....then 5:30....then 6:30 I was ready to hand him over to the Chinese Buffet down the road.  Coffee was amazing, but 3 cups just didn't seem to do the trick.  I sat down on the couch at 10 and nearly fell asleep sitting straight up....I needed to get going with my workout before I decided that sitting on my rear was a better option....

Friday workouts are hard.  Not necessarily because the exercises are big, compound movements, but simply because my mind and body are tired and ready for some much needed rest.  I had shoulders and core today.  I dominated my shoulder workout...heavier than Monday's, which was good.  Core almost made me puke.  When I squeeze my abs as hard as I can I feel like my pancreas is going to explode out of my naval somehow.  That would be pretty sick...and yes, I would probably post it on youtube.  And then I had cardio....ah yes.  I honestly thought I would not make it through my cardio today.  My legs were DRAGGING.  The only thing that kept me going was the fact that Morven and Brian were on the treadmills beside me running like the cops were after them.  I figured that if they could run like criminals for over an hour, I could handle my 35 minutes of pain.  So I caught up on my latest news and gossip with US magazine.  Apparently Justin Bieber spent $2,000 on flowers for his girlfriend on Valentines Day and everyone thought it was so sweet.  People, he's worth MILLIONS...that's like me giving my husband an m&m....not a box...just one.  Give me a break...

Seated shoulder press with back support  4 x 10
Arnold press/ss front DB raises 4 x 10 each
Seated lateral raises 4 x 10
Reverse crunch on bench 3 x 30 seconds
Full sit-up on BOSU 3 x 12
Oblique crunch on decline 3 x 16

I could fall asleep right now, and its only 7:45....I am DONE.  I'm about to lock that feline in the laundry room and get some good sleep tonight.  Tomorrow will be just cardio and some time with family....which is always comical.  I may also do a refeed meal either tonight (if I can stay awake), or body needs it.  I will probably be bloated, but whats new?!....

Well, folks, its been real....have a great weekend!!...Down to 7 weeks!!!....ahh....

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