Thursday, February 3, 2011


I am a mental-mess today.  Emotional, tired, trying to simply stay sane until time for bed.  Some days I am pleased with my progress, even though slow, and then other days I get so frustrated I could scream.  Today is one of those days.  It gets hard sometimes trying not to beat myself up, while also having to accurately critique my physique when I look in the mirror.  Tough rope to walk...and I can honestly say I am extremely hard on myself.  Perhaps a little too hard at times...

I was pretty tired by the time I had to workout, which I wasn't prepared for.  However, I was pleased with my weights on almost all my lifts so I guess I pushed through better than I thought I would.  I would have loved to do another bicep exercise, but my forearms were about to explode.  And the arthritis in my hands right now hurts like hell from gripping the weights.  I wouldn't be surprised if I were in a wheelchair by the age of 45, hip replacement at 50, and needing a diaper by 52.  The 'ol machine feels a little rusty some days.

Reverse, close grip pull-backs 4 x 10
Wide grip lat pull-down 3 x 10
Bent over BB row 4 x 10-12
Single arm lat pull-down 3 x 10 each
Rear flys 3 x 10-12
Lying BB curls 4 x 12
Alternating curls 3 x 10 each

Right now I am eating, drinking coffee, and yet still about to fall sleep mid-bite.  I might choke on my chicken.  When my head hits the pillow tonight I will go into a coma and enjoy every second of it.  Sadly, I will force myself to stay up and watch the Office and Jersey Shore.  I know I know, but it makes me feel normal....which is important.

Tomorrow needs to be a better day....for the sake of me and the people around me.  Ryan is a patient man right now and is probably dying to go to spring training.  I don't blame him.  I should be locked up in a padded room everyday between 2:00 and 4:00....

Here's to a new day...

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