Friday, January 7, 2011

Riding solo

It's 9:30 at night and I'm pretty sure I should be prohibited fro m writing anything in a public forum at this point.  After 8 pm the filter generally comes off....I get tired and tend to word vomit a little bit.  This should be interesting...

Yesterday was a little nutty and I simply did not have time to blog...or think for that matter.  As I mentioned on Monday, I wanted to switch my workout routine a little so that I was hitting shoulders twice a week.  So, I did shoulders and biceps yesterday and overall was pleased with the workout.  I get frustrated with my left side.  Stupid left side...I'm hoping once I start practicing posing things will fall into place.  Right now I just cannot flex my left side as hard as my right.  Sounds stupid and trivial, but will be a big deal on stage if I don't get it straightened out. Now THAT'S what I look forward to...posing half naked in stripper heels in the middle of winter with no tan.  I think I just threw-up in my mouth a little.

I woke up today pretty tired.  Even on days when I can sleep in, my body is on some sort of adrenaline freak-out and wakes up anytime between 5 and 5:30.  After tossing and turning, I finally go up at 6:30.  I was scrubbing toilets by 7:45...its ridiculous, I know.  You would think that I'd actually have more energy for my Friday workouts because I get a little more sleep and I don't work prior to lifting.  But actually, its the exact opposite.  I'm usually still pretty groggy when I start my workout at 11:30/12 and fighting every step of the way.  Today was tough.  I had back, plyos/lighter leg work, and core....and the TOUR was not there to keep me company or entertained.  An hour and a half later, I was practically crawling to the shower.

Wide grip pull-ups 3 x 10-12
Close grip pull-down with straight bar 3 x 12
Bent over BB row 3 x 12
Single arm lat pull-down on cable 3 x 10 each
Hyperextensions 3 x 12
BW squat jumps 7 x 12...20 seconds rest between sets...........thought I might vomit
BW lunge jumps 5 x 20 .................practically dry-heaving
Anklebands 3 x 60 yards ..................butt cramps prevented me from making it to the bathroom to vomit
Sit-ups, legs on bench 3 x 15
6" leg lifts 3 x 12
Decline flat back sit ups 3 x 12

As I was packing up my things to hit the road after my workout, my phone rang.  Long story short, I needed to cover a couple of hours at the gym tonight.  Whew,....schedule change at the last minute for someone with OCD is a sick joke.  Its like telling your child Santa isn't real as they're putting out the milk and cookies...and then eating one right in their face.  Its wrong on so many levels.  But ya know, we all made it out alive and I was able to work with a few people I haven't seen in awhile.  It was a good day.

Tomorrow will make it 14 weeks from the show.  That means 98 days until m&m's and beer....priorities.  Alright folks, I am beyond tired.  Here's to another day of life, love, and the pursuit of...sanity...

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