Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Powerful Pecs

Is this week over yet??
Before I went to bed last night, I knew I couldn't have another day like least not 2 in a row.  Thankfully today has been much better.  I was able to get a solid 7 hours of sleep and woke up ready to roll.  I was excited about my workout today, mainly because I felt I needed to redeem myself from yesterday.  I did.  Kept weights heavy, but I genuinely felt good the whole time.  Couldn't flex my chest by the end, ....completely raw.  Some women have cleavage...I've got a couple slabs of muscle with just enough fat covering them so that I don't look like a teenage boy.  Awesome.  It used to bother me in middle school when a couple of girls would taunt me and say "roses are red, violets are black, why is your chest as flat as your back?"  They had boobs, figured out how to use them, and are now worthless to society.  Congratulations.

Workout was awesome.  Chest and biceps and then a little cardio.  My left shoulder was feeling a little unstable but came through in the clutch like a champ.  Jenn commented about my shoulder size and I was thankful for the pick-me-up!  Thank you Jenn!  When you see yourself in the mirror everyday its hard sometimes to notice changes, so when other people notice its definitely appreciated.

Flat DB bench press 4 x 10-12
Incline DB press 4 x 10
DB fly (10x) drop set to cable flys (5-6x)  3 sets
Push-ups on stability ball 2 x failure
Alternating DB curls 3 x 10 each
Underhand bicep pull-down (10x)/ss BB curls (10x)  3 sets

After almost 2 weeks, the scale finally moved again today.  I'll take 1/2 pound.  When I look at pictures from the last time I was at this weight, holy crap I was a tank with a capital T.  Comical.  Alright, I need to squeeze in a nap before I have my afternoon peeps....otherwise, my tendency to be out of control wit workouts and demands increases.  No one needs that...

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