Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pure Precision

Some days you wake up mentally and physically ready...today was one of those days.  I went to bed exhausted and had to splash cold water on my face twice before slapping on the war paint.  I was a little nervous it was going to be a long morning and even longer workout, but I was just in a zone...in my own sick and twisted zone.  Brian played this NIKE commercial on the computer before my workout, and from that point I was operating on a whole new level.  Ha.  I was in rare form and ready to roll.

Even though I am naturally competitive and will push myself in the gym, its hard sometimes knowing that in the end, figure competitions are subjective instead of objective, like most sports.  There's no score board, no passion-driven come from behind play that will guarantee a win despite sub-par workouts that may occur in days leading up to the game.  No, what I present on stage will directly reflect the level of intensity, drive, and struggle I placed on myself in the months leading up to the competition.  And even then,...its up to a panel of opinions.  So making every rep count is my focus right now.  Its either extreme inner strength/determination or extreme insanity....I'd argue there's a fine line between both.

I had legs today...alllll legs.  I haven't done a workout like this since college.  I bumped up my weights on almost every single lift just to see how much I could push myself once I felt fatigued and basically ready to stop.  Today I just needed to prove something to myself...ego booster I guess.  If you don't believe in yourself, why will anyone else?  ....I had a couple of dizzy spells today, which are pretty normal for a leg workout, but threw me for a loop when I stood up from the leg press and felt like I'd just done a keg stand.
I was happy with my weight though...single leg...12 reps...225 pounds per leg.  Quads were on fire.  Mission accomplished.

Squats 4 x 12
Leg press 3 x 12 each leg
Hamstring curls on machine 3 x 12
Leg extensions 3 x 12
SLDL 3 x 10
Reverse glute raise pulse on stability ball 3 x 60

Cup of coffee...chicken and sweet potato...ready to roll on with the rest of my day.  I need some good sleep tonight to revamp for tomorrow...cardio and hip-hop class.  If my legs and hips are able to move, it will be a miracle.

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