Monday, October 18, 2010

Running on E...

A little crazy Monday morning, but that's what they're for, right?!...By workout time, I needed to refocus.  My energy level is lower then what I'd like at this point, and might add in a few extra carbs in my diet for now.  I just have to figure out where I want to put them.  I mean, I'm used to being tired on a daily basis, but I shouldn't be ready to bang my head against the wall by 4:00 is understandable.  I would drink more coffee, but I swear if I go to the bathroom anymore than I already do I'll be wheeling around a bag like a hospital patient.

My workout went well...I had shoulders, biceps, and abs.  I'm fairly pleased with how my shoulders have developed, but when you stick me on stage beside a woman on roids I might look like a twig.  And there is nothing "twiggy" about me.....we'll see...

Today's workout:
Military shoulder press 4 x 10
Overhead BB press 3 x 10
High row/ss bent arm lateral raises 3 x 10 each
Cable curls with lat bar 4 x 10-12
Alternating incline curls 4 x 8-10 each
1/2 sit-up, legs extended 4 x 15
6" leg raises, SLOW 3 x 15
Crunches on decline 3 x 12-15

I had someone ask me today what supplements I take, so here ya go...
Whey protein powder
BCAA powder
green tea extract
glucosamine sulfate
vitamin B12
fish oil
flaxseed oil

On to my afternoon...more clients, and home a little earlier tonight.  In theory, I'd like to spend some time reality, I will probably get stuck in the recliner and channel surf until my arthritis flares up....some of you know exactly what I'm talking about.


  1. How much of a problem are steroids among competitors? It seems like cheating defeats the purpose. What is wrong with people?

  2. Among Figure competitors it is not as common as female bodybuilders, however it is fairly prevalent nonetheless. Surprisingly, in the NPC (the organization through which I will compete), steroids are not tested for, and yet the competitors receive much more publicity/recognition than the "natural" competitors. I personally do not view it as cheating if they are not testing and in a way "welcoming" it. However, trying to use steroids in the competitions that are clearly labeled Natural is of course wrong. It is definitely amazing to see the lengths to which people will go to achieve something...
