Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hump Day...

Eight hours of sleep was absolutely amazing.  I think I went into a broccoli-induced coma.  By Wednesday my body is ready for extra rest....which is why I schedule only cardio.  Let's talk about cardio for a second.....for all you runners out there who love to get on the treadmill and just go until your ears bleed, I think you are out of your mind.  I went through a spell once where I tried to increase my mileage each week and then one day ran a half marathon on the treadmill.  I came to the conclusion that it was a waste of almost 2 hours and I had no desire to even put a "13.1" sticker on my car.  I don't understand those by the way.....its basically wanting a pat on the back for running that far.  Ya know what, I want a pat on the back for doing 45 minutes of cardio today.......where's my sticker?!.....My 13.1 sticker would actually stand for the ounces of chicken consumed before 3 p.m.......
Let's just say I do cardio because its good for my health, to burn a few extra calories, but in no way am I a cardio-junkie.  I got through it...I got in the zone and kept moving.
I've started looking at suits for my show.....right now its a toss-up between purple and royal blue.  Any opinions on that are welcome.  Honestly, we might as well be naked....those suits have about as much material as a Build-a-Bear outfit....and cost more than a monthly car payment.  A little ridiculous.

Overall, today's been a great day.....a few funny moments with clients is always a bonus.  Laughter is severely underrated.  If you haven't laughed out loud in the past 24 hours,...shame on you....for surrounding yourself with humor-impaired people...Life is too short.

Well folks, the afternoon go laugh a little bit :)


  1. You need to tell me when you do stuff like create your own fitness blog!
    I can't go creeping around and find this on my own! As for the suits, I would definitely pick royal blue...good AE colors. Keep on laughing, glad to see you've embarked on this new fitness mission!

  2. CREEPER! Ha,...I am thrilled you are following! It will entertaining to say the least!
