Monday, October 11, 2010

Manic Monday...

It's body woke up at 3:40 and for the life of me I could not fall back asleep.  I was ready to get the day started...well, ready or not, the day was waiting.  A week into "competition mode", and I've learned to look forward to the smallest things that have inevitably become "treats" my morning coffee with a scoop of mocha-cappuccino protein powder.  Its like liquid crack.  And yes, I basically put protein in everything....I'd probably put it on my chicken if I didn't think my kidneys would go into complete shock.

Perhaps I should back up a bit to explain how I got here...
I've competed in figure competitions before.  My last one was in 2006, and at the time I was going through "various transitions" in life if you will, and everything compounded sort of led me to exit the competition world for awhile.  I continued to train of course (I am a meat-head to my core), and love the gym more than...well...a lot of things.  In college I would skip class to go lift weights...yes, I was that kid.  So for the past 4 years I've simply trained because I enjoy it and want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Well, in recent months I've just had an itch to get back on stage....I miss it, I find tremendous accomplishment and satisfaction in competing, and its always good to have something to work towards.  Not to mention I get to wear nearly nothing in front of a panel of judges and hundreds of complete strangers...who wouldn't like that?!!  SOOO...after several conversations with my husband, a few close friends, and myself (probably the most interesting conversation of all), I decided to go for it.  So here I am....preparing to compete in the spring of 2011.

This will be the longest 6 months, and yet will fly by if I don't have a solid game plan.  Right now the plan is to lift heavy, eat an absurd amount of protein, get good sleep, and pray I don't face-plant when I walk out on stage in those stripper heels.  I regretfully got rid of my last pair....$50 down the drain right there.  I put them in the church yard sale...which is wrong on a whole other level.

So here was today's workout:

BB shoulder press 4 x 10
Alternating seated shoulder press 3 x 8 each arm
Bent arm lateral raises 4 x 10
Front DB raises 4 x 10
Bicep pull-down with lat-bar  4 x 10
Alternating incline curls 3 x 10 each arm
Standing BB curls to failure 2x
Sit-ups, legs on bench  4 x 12-15
Leg raises 3 x 15
Decline sit-ups 3 x 15

When I went to the shower I could barely get my arms over my it was a good workout.  My shoulders are probably one of my weaker points (as in, they need to be a little bigger/well-rounded).  I know, I'm one of the very few females in the world who wants bigger shoulders.....but I also figure bigger shoulders can compliment my bigger rear. Ha.  Let's just put it this way....this backside was made to squat a house.

On to the rest of my day....a handful of clients left to train, and an ungodly amount of chicken and veggies to consume before I hit the bed and do it all over again tomorrow.  At this rate, I can't wait to see how my energy level is by Thanksgiving.....I'll probably kill the turkey myself...

1 comment:

  1. OH Mer, how I am going to love following you on daily humor for you girl and very excited for you!
