Ever have one of those mornings when you wake up and swear that you were hit by a 18 wheeler in your sleep? Yeah,...it was one of those mornings. Well, except I'm pretty sure that driver popped it in reverse and hit me again. I was genuinely tired yesterday and fought a headache for nearly 8 hours from lack of sugar/carbs. Welcome to the competition world! Generally, when I wake up on Tuesdays the first thought I have is that my workout will begin with squats......my rear was still screaming from 70 squat jumps and 80 lunge jumps on Saturday. I have a love/hate relationship with squats. I hate to do them, and love it when its over. It's funny to me that people think you have to love every second of working out, and if you don't then its not even worth it. Ha. Oh please...and this is why America is obese. Truth is you are not going to love every minute...I certainly don't, but some things you just suck up and DO. Embrace the suck. Sometimes its a matter of mentally pushing ourselves to the next level...but other times we need to stop thinking so much and let our bodies do the work. 9 times out of 10 we can always do one more rep, sprint, etc...
Today's workout:...Quads and triceps
Squats 5 x 10
Leg press 4 x 10
Leg extension 3 x 12...last set, drop set to failure
Tricep press using dip machine 4 x 12
Reverse grip tricep extension with lat bar 4 x 10
My quads hate me. By the second set of leg press I had to stop looking at the weight and just push. I get in that machine and I feel like I'm about to give birth....not that I would know what that feels like. But, at this point I'd rather press 405 lbs. Overall, good workout...I was exhausted.
So I have to vent for a second...(shocker, I know)...
I went to the grocery store after my workout to pick up a few things....and by few, I mean like 6 items. So naturally I go to the express lane to checkout, where the sign says "About 20 items or less". Ok, I totally understand that it does not mean exactly 20 items, but give or take 4-5 items is acceptable. I glance up to see the lady checking out just ahead of me who continues to pull crap out of her basket like Mary Poppins. 34 ITEMS....I nearly lost it. 34? Really?!...Last I checked "About 20" had nothing to do with 30 or more........Come on people...
On to the rest of my day...a few more clients...a lot more protein...60 more ounces of water...and thus, an ungodly number of trips to the bathroom....bed by 9.....
"Embrace the suck" should be on a t-shirt