Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"There's no crying in baseball!!!"

Ah yes, Tuesday.
I woke up at 4am and relished my last 18 minutes of sleep.  I actually like waking up briefly around 1am to find that I have over 3 hours left of sleep.  A little strange, but a small highlight in my coma-like state.  I was fairly coherent during my drive to work.....with the music blasting and coffee running through my veins, I was in a zone.  Its a sick zone, but nonetheless a zone.

My legs were not as sore as I thought they'd be today after my sprint work on Monday.  My abs are another story.  Its back to the sprinting grind for me.  3 days a week followed by some form of moderate cardio.  Sprints are quick and dirty.  In and out.  They get the job done so I figure 15-20 minutes of torture is doable.  Study after study confirms the benefits (especially fat burning) of high intensity cardio.  YOUR method is up to you.  I choose the treadmill...oh the irony.

Today's workout was chest, quads, and core.  I jumped rope for about 15 minutes afterward.  By the end of jumping I looked like I'd lost a fight to the rope.  I had lashes across my shins, arms, and even manged to hit myself in the face a couple of times.  It was attractive.  I did front squats today for the first time in a loooong time.  I'd conveniently forgotten that the bar leaves great marks across your shoulders and collar bones.  Basically, I've got quite a few battle wounds at this point.  Overall it was a great workout and I was pleased with the weights. 

Its been a great week with clients thus far....typical whining, a few curse words, and lots of hard work.  Its interesting to me that clients often apologize for whining.  Honestly, I really don't care if they do as long as they get the job done.  Whine, cry, complain,...in one ear and out the other...just KEEP MOVING.  I'd be lying myself if I said I never complain during my own workout.  Every minute is not enjoyable, but that's life in general.  Moving forward, bumps in the road, decisions to make, but always focused on moving forward.  I think it starts with changing our expectations.  If we expect to struggle at times, to feel tired and worn down after working out, and to honestly give it all we have, then we won't be shocked when this becomes our reality.  Too often we believe the lie of our current culture that says everything must feel good and make us happy otherwise its BAD.  Wake up call: that's completely unrealistic.  Truth is, we find/develop strength through struggle,...physically and often emotionally as well.  Instead of running from this, we should seize the opportunity for growth.  Its time we push ourselves beyond whats comfortable and realize that we'll be FINE.  Learn to be ok with confronting your weaknesses and be encouraged that the resounding "I can" derived from sweat and tears permeates every aspect of your life if you dare allow it. 

There is my 2 cents for the night.
My bed is calling.
Time to answer.
Night :)

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