Monday, February 27, 2012

Heaping Spoonfuls

Monday MONDAY.
I thought I would feel more rested today, but I couldn't fall asleep until after 10 last night.  I'm old.  I know.  I took a nap at 6pm, which proved to be a bad move.  I woke up about 30 minutes later like a child ready for my bottle.  And by bottle, I mean protein shake.  Next thing I know I'm painting my nails and freaking out over Bradley Cooper having a mustache at the Oscars.  Mustaches are creepy.  But if he'd just taken off his shirt, I wouldn't have noticed it.  Wonder if he ever looks in the mirror and says "Yes, I'm hot"....and then God beams down "'re welcome"...
God: 1.  Cooper: 0.

And we are moving on...
Today was a typical Monday, but my body felt like a noodle after that 6 mile run yesterday.  Everything felt more heavy than usual.  I had shoulders, biceps, and then finished with sprints.  The only thing I don't like about training biceps is that my forearms usually go numb after the first 2 exercises.  I told Garret today that I wanted bigger biceps....he looked at me like I was nuts.  Fine.

Sprints were tough, but doable.  Hamstrings are still extremely tight and pulled on every single stride.  Boooo.  I did 15 seconds on, 30 off, for 20 minutes and then finished with 20 minutes steady-state on the treadmill and eliptical.  Pretty pooped by the end.  Glad to be done.  Tomorrow is chest and quads....better get my mind right.

Random interaction today...
I had a client hand me a "food journal" today so that I could go over some diet changes with her.  I've seen dozens and dozens of food journals, but it never ceases to amaze me that people have absolutely no clue what they put in their mouth.  It basically looked like this:


Ummm...ok....estimated portion?  Are we talking 1 measured cup of cereal or 2 bowls?  skim milk or 2%?  How much manicotti?  20 pistachios or a 10 oz container?  Plain salmon or grilled with sauce...6 oz or 10??
Not to say that everyone has to meticulously measure everything, BUT if people took a little time to actually measure a few of their typical food choices, they'd be amazed by how much they're consuming.  Here's a little example....say you think you're eating 1 TBSP of peanut butter each night, but you're actually eating 2....that's an extra 95 calories....which is over 34,000 calories per year...equating to an extra 9+ pounds. 
And that was just 1 TBSP of peanut butter. 

Well, on that note I am heading to bed.  Its 9pm and that bed is calling my name. 

Question of the night:  What's the one food you KNOW you overeat unless you practice some serious will power and portion control??

Mine would fittingly be peanut butter.  I love it.  Creamy, crunchy, extra crunchy,...I don't discriminate :)


  1. Almond M&M's, hand's down. :) No control---EVER.

  2. I forgot about lovely m&m's...mouth watering, check!
