Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Squats and Roses

Oh Valentine's Day...here we go.
I'll be honest, I am not a huge fan of Valentines...mainly because I know every man dreads it and I spend money buying candy that will ultimately contribute to my husband's waistline and ADD.  (Ok, I don't know for certain if he has ADD, but attention deficit occurs fairly often in our house...)  And why should it take a holiday for us to show love??...it shouldn't...period.
Nonetheless, I got him a little bit of candy and I have a feeling there will be a pile of wrappers beside the recliner tomorrow morning.

My day started with an obscene amount of coffee, the usual.  Happy V-day to me.  My first client this morning ran in a 5k last weekend and told me she was so discouraged.  I was blown away.  She beat her last time by 2 minutes, and was initially proud of herself for marking her calendar with 4 upcoming races...so what was going on??! (She is new to this and is on a journey of losing a little bit of weight).  I was so curious as to why she felt discouraged so she went on to explain.... Apparently there were 2 big hills at the end of the race and for the first time in months of running, she had to actually walk to finish.  It really threw me off when she said "I felt like a failure!"  Wait....what?!!  All she could see were the hills, but she didn't think of this logically......what if the hills came at the beginning of the race?  What if she knew they would be there and could plan for them?  What if this was her 15th race and not her 3rd?  She nodded and said it made sense. 
I was thankful she opened up about it because I can't imagine her going the next week or two thinking she was a complete failure because she had to walk to finish a race, and yet still managed to beat her last time.  But what a reminder that perspective is everything...

My training the last 2 days has been good, but hard.  Yesterday I had shoulders, biceps, and then sprints.  I honestly had NO desire to do my sprints.  I was beyond the point of trying to talk myself into them or use any type of positive self-talk to get this train moving.  It was one of those moments when I just told myself to shut-up and get on the treadmill.  20 minutes of sprints, 20 seconds on...30 seconds walk, speed 12....followed by 20 minutes of walking incline 12.  My body was completely spent after that.  And today was just as tiring...chest and quads.  I finished with some cardio and then called it a day.

I am exhausted.
I came home to a 2lb box of sugarfree chocolates...haha...way to go babe.  At least its sugar free.  I would have taken chicken breasts, but apparently those don't come in a pretty heart-shaped box.  Come on Whitman's, get on it.

I can't take myself seriously right now.  My mom gave me and my sister-in-law some extremely festive pj's for Valentine's Day.  It looks like cupid threw up on my pants.  Got to love my mom.  She's probably running around with strap-on wings and an bow/arrow....explains a lot...

Well, I am heading to bed.  Wednesday is on its way...more sprints await tomorrow, and I better bring my A-game.  Night folks :)

1 comment:

  1. Also tell your client that its not about how fast you get over the hill, but that you simply get over it and refuse to quit. Climbs are relative for everyone (and I mean that metaphorically ha!) Hope everything else is going well
