Friday, February 24, 2012


First, a thank you to Miss Lauren for the blog title today.  She recommended this last Friday after a conversation we had, but I had already posted for that day.  So here it is 7 days later, but still great :)

My day began at 6:38.  Yes, I slept until 6:38...uninterrupted.  Well, sort of....I woke up sweating (because apparently I'm the youngest person with menopause/hot flashes), so I opened a window.  That ended up being a bad idea because Oscar is like a moth to a flame with open windows.  About 10 minutes later he was on his hind legs meowing like he was about to pull an Evil Knievel move from our second story window.  Stupid cat.  That was the end of the window-open-because-I-was-hot event at 2am. 
Started the day with some cleaning and then worked on my hip-hop routine for tomorrow's class.  Thankfully, I was on a roll with that.  Looking forward to it...

I think Fridays are the hardest day to workout.
You're tired by the end of the week, ready to relax, and sometimes lose a little bit of focus gearing up for the weekend.  I find that Fridays can often be the kick-off to "weekend detours".  Wheat I mean is that our schedules are off, and our tendency to veer from the things necessary to achieve our goals increases.  Its in those moments we have to remind ourselves why we started this journey in the first place....where we are headed....and that every workout is important.  Its tough, I get it.  Don't think, just DO.
I often start my Friday workouts in sort of a robot-mode trying not to think about all the wind I'll be sucking moments later.  Today was no exception.  Due to this sickness crud I'm fighting off, I was sweating profusely and my heartrate was higher than normal.  I sounded like a smoker.  My music of choice today consisted of Rise Against, The Wanted, Of Monsters and Men, and of course some Linkin Park.  As long as I have it loud enough so I cannot hear myself breathe or think I'm good to go.
I had shoulders, hamstrings and glutes.  It was a tough hour and 20 minutes...and it was a relief to get in the car and drive home.  Protein shake, shower, eat, then off to run errands.

I listened to an excellent blurb today by Todd Durkin.  He's an internationally known trainer who works with professional quarterbacks, golfers, bodybuilders, and everyday fitness clients.  His enthusiasm and passion is contagious.  I admire him because he is real.  One thing he talked about today was leadership and the many influences in our life that contribute to each of us as a leader.  One thing that stood out to me was our "inner circle."  So often we forget that the people we surround ourselves with greatly impact our outlook on the world, the decisions we make, and where we place our time and efforts.  I remind our young athletes of this all the time as they navigate the often bumpy road of high school and college athletics.  But, when was the last time we stopped to consider those closest to us?  Are they supportive, driven, honest, and grounded?  Are the relationships draining or empowering?  How is this aspect of our lives effecting our overall mental and physical health?
A few powerful questions to consider...

That's it for now, and here's to a little refocus and a great weekend ahead!

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