Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cardio-free Tuesday

Ever have one of those days when you're so tired that actually chewing your dinner sounds exhausting?  I sort of feel like that right now.  This kale is giving me arthritis of the mouth.

Overall, today was a good day.  I was accused of being semi-evil by 9am, learned some Jewish culture from an early afternoon client, and was pinching thigh fat on a 14 year old male swimmer by 5.  You will never hear me say my job is boring.  It's not.  Ever. 
One of our former athletes came in to visit today...Kelly Hathorn...excellent soccer player who played at Duke a few years ago.  Its interesting to see athletes after their college years.  Most of them just want a break from fitness and constantly being told they have to run, have to lift, etc... Makes sense.  But at some point they've got to create a healthy, balanced lifestyle.  So there she was.  Ready to get rolling on a new plan that did not involve 120s or 5am fitness tests.  Welcome baaaaack :)

My workout today was chest, quads, and core.  Honestly, everything felt great.  I did a drop-set style on squats and leg extension which proved to be horrible.  And by horrible, I mean great.  I'm still keeping my leg exercises in the 15 rep range, which will probably continue for the next several weeks.  I'm not crazy about counting to 15....sort of like a 2 year old...11-14 becomes a blur.  BUT, its done.  Yes!  And no sprints or cardio for me today, thank God.  I even wrote it in my workout journal:
Cardio: "None.  Boom."
Like I was sticking it to someone. What a loser.  Ehh, it sort of made my day.

Ok, apparently the dishes will not wash themselves.  Dishwasher broke = me washing dishes until I have no finger prints.  Excellent.
Have a great night folks....HERE WE COME HUMP DAY!

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