Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hump-day, you win...

I'm staring at a bowl full of kale and I have a feeling it might come back to haunt me.  I love me some greens.  Some kids eat play-dough or glue,...I remember tasting grass several times.  At what point is that concerning for a parent??...
Not sure which is more disturbing, the fact that I ate grass a few times in the 80's or that I rocked a mullet while doing so.  Then again, I think they go hand and hand...

Wednesdays kick me in the rear....hard.  I was a walking zombie.  I was thrilled last night going to bed knowing that I could sleep in just a little longer and get up at 4:48 instead of 4:18.  I know I know, its not 4:50 and 4:20.  I have a weird thing about setting my alarm on even numbers but not on zero.  OCD moment, welcome to my world.  Back to the story.  I went to bed happy to have a few more minutes of sleep, but daggone if my body did not wake up at 4:18 on the dot.  Booooo.  Head was pounding, eyes were drooping, and Oscar's standing at the foot of the bed staring at me like a tuna pattie.  Hump day had arrived.  I literally waddled out of bed. 

It was a typical Wednesday at the gym.  After my morning crowd it was time for my own workout.  The good/bad thing about hump day is that its generally the day I only have cardio.  So its over in 40-45 minutes, but its still cardio.  Its like a quick punch to the face.  It might be quick, but its still a punch to the face.
I was so tired by the time I needed to do sprints that I literally felt dizzy and found it hard to formulate sentences that actually made sense.  Did I drink at 9am and not know it?  I couldn't sit and think about it, I just had to change clothes, get on the treadmill, and MOVE.  I started off with flat sprints and then moved to hill sprints.  The only good thing about hill sprints is that your body will instinctively do whatever it takes not to do a face-plant on the treadmill.  Given that I had squats and leg press yesterday, I was shocked at how good my legs felt.  And by "good" I just mean that every stride didn't hurt.  I was no Usain Bolt on that thing, but my white legs were trucking along as best they could. 
After sprints I walked at incline 11 for 20 minutes.  Longest 20 minutes of my day right there.  I was surfing through the 'ol ipod to find any song that would make the time go by quicker.  Here's a few that do it for me right now:

Move that body - Nelly, Akon, and T-Pain
Glad you came - The Wanted
Sing - My Chemical Romance
Faint - Linkin Park
Red to Black - Fort Minor
The Cave - Mumford and Sons
Power - Kanye West
...a little variety to keep me going...

Every now and then I have to rock the 90s with some old Nirvana, Cranberries, and Oasis.  A handful of you will read this and not know who in the world I am talking about.  You are too young and I don't like you at the moment because I feel old and my joints hurt.  I'm like a ball of sunshine after 7pm...

On that note, I am done. 
I am exhausted.
I need to wash my hair (no need to mention how long its been).
Unpack and repack my gym bag.
Contemplate doing laundry.
Decide not to do laundry.
Go to bed.

That's my list for the next 20 minutes.  Have a great night...


  1. Hey, a friend of mine would like to stop by tomorrow (Thurs) to see if she can start lifting at AE with me. She's hoping to maybe start working out with me once/week since I told her how fabulous you are!

  2. Depends on the grass... ;)
