Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Baby Got Hitched...

Well, we officially survived my brother's wedding weekend.
I am pretty much in recovery mode until Wednesday.
No, I didn't drink like a fish, but it was one thing after another and between packing, appointments, and keeping my mom under control, I am exhausted.  Not to mention that for the first time since 2004 I was up until well after 2am this morning, making me one worthless human being today.
As Kelly and I sat in the hotel throwing down coffee like tequila shots at 9am, I was well aware that I am no longer young and resilient.  In fact, I was envious of everyone who was up being productive before 7. 
My line of thought scares me more each day.
You know how they say you start to become more and more like your parents as you get older?  Well, I think I completely bypassed that generation.
I am more like my grandparents.
Not sure which is worse,...that I am, or that I'm ok with it...??...

Highlights of the wedding...
Rehearsal dinner speeches.  Whew.  I was thankful that David went before I did so that he could go ahead and cross everyone's line of decency before I did.
I'd say he nailed it.
Mine went fine.  I teared up at the end, but it was only after a few comments that they will never let me live down.  I won't even repeat it on here, but the way I said what I said was taken out of context by everyone at my table (average age ~24 with the mind of a 17 year old boy).  We've laughed about it all weekend, and its safe to say I will not make that comment in a public setting again......maybe....ha....

The good thing was that my slip was soon forgotten thanks to mom.
She is unbelievable with a serious heart of gold.  I did not receive that gene. 
Due to the fact that she will cry at the drop of a hat and this was her baby getting married, she did not trust herself trying to deliver a speech in front of a crowd.  Next best option: sign language.
Yes, my mother did sign language to a song to 60 people with no hearing problem.
That's pretty much all I need to say about that...
My comment = forgotten.

The wedding was such a sweet ceremony, and then it was time to stretch and test the seams on my dress on the dance floor.
I seriously could not keep that thing up.
Yet despite setbacks, I was out there.  About 3 or 4 family members came up to me and said "Meredith, I've never seen you dance like that."  And I'm sitting there thinking...uhh, when would you ever have seen me do the Wobble...??!...Don't act so shocked people.  Get out there and shake what your momma gave you.  Then apologize if its horrible.

Other highlight of the weekend: wedding cake.
Wedding cake is the ultimate splurge for me and I literally want to plant my face in it.  Instant diabetes.  Ridiculous, I know.  I wake up with a sugar-hangover every single time, and today was no exception.  But it was so good. 
I'm good for another 3000 miles. 

Cardio today did not feel exceptionally great, but I kept my expectations low.  Tomorrow is back to the grind...thank God.
I'll leave you with some pictures from the weekend events...

Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Blair Parker
Congratulations you two! 


  1. Geez you guys are such a beautiful-looking family! Congratulations again to your looked (and sounded) like a lot of fun. I can only imagine what your speech was like but I'm still laughing at the image of your mom signing a song to "60 people without a hearing problem." HA! Your niece is so freaking adorable! Like I said though - good genes!

  2. Ha, thanks Hayley!...It was an eventful weekend to say the least, and yes I'm sure whatever image you have of my mom's hand karaoke is accurate...
    Never a dull moment! :)
