Monday, October 29, 2012

Mullet Wigs and A Cold Feline

My house is currently 64 degrees.
I'm cold.
The computer keys are cold.
Oscar's balled up like a doughnut knot probably wondering why we're so cheap not to turn on the heat.  I refuse to justify myself to a feline that licks questionable body parts, but I truly have no excuse for not heating this place up.
Until then, I will sit here and marinate in my hoodie like a champ.

What a weekend.
I spent the majority of my weekend in front of a computer mulling through emails and diet plans,...2 seconds away from doing some serious interventions.  If I show up at your door with a trash bag, bottle of laxatives, and 12 step program, don't ask questions just go with it.
The crap people eat still blows my mind sometimes.  Not to say we should never enjoy a splurge every now and then, but my god people, the majority of your food should actually start rotting within a few weeks at most.  Real food.
Needless to say, after the first 3 meal plans, I wanted to bang a few heads against the wall.  I refrained.  But today it was game time for those people.

Speaking of food, I literally choked on my chicken today.
It was about 5:00, and I was predictably throwing down my chicken and veggies as I made my way around the gym.  (Gotta fuel the machine on the fly).  Next thing I know, I'm coughing like an asthmatic, can hardly breathe, and Garrett's looking at me like I better figure it out.  He reassures me he knows the Heimlich, but I'm sure that while he'd dislodge the chicken, he'd also break my sternum...
So there I was trying to hack this white meat up, with my hands in the air having an afternoon near-death experience.  It was like my own sick game of charades, and I was apparently "Dying on Space Mountain."
It was the only time I cursed chicken.
Well, except for the last time I choked...
Damn bird.

On a much more positive note, Zimm stopped by today!  They had to evacuate Christopher Newport because of the hurricane, so he traveled with the GF to come home for a few days.
Great to catch up, and many laughs....always a good thing on a Monday. 
Safe travels back Zimm :)

Well, I am still getting my halloween costume plan together, so I called my mom to ask for a wig or two.  To add to the colorful portrait of my mom, just know that she has a designated "costume box" at home....which ic actually more like a closet. 
I kid you not.  If you need a prop, she's got it.....sad, on many levels.
She starts listing off all these wig options from Dolly Pardon to a mullet, which I immediately wanted of course, but I was overwhelmed after the 6th one.  All I could do was picture her running around in these wigs on a Saturday night with a handful of glitter singing "If You're Happy and You Know It". 
I'd pay to see it.
I'd go so far as to encourage her to strap on the fanny pack to complete the ensemble.

That pretty much wraps up my day.
Dad is dropping off 2 wigs for me tomorrow.....this is what a retired man does.  I don't question it.  Let him roll.

Night folks...

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