Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Letting Go

At least dozen times during my day a client will give me the I'm-not-sure-what-you're-about-to-tell-me-to-do-but-I-hate-you-right-now look.  Some don't even realize they are doing it....and others are practically burning a whole in my face with it.  Gotta love Tuesdays.  They are Monday's hangover and Wednesday's pregame.  Today felt more like a hangover...minus the walk of shame...

Garrett was training a young female this morning, (I say "young" like I'm 60 years old), and I couldn't help but overhear and then interject in the conversation.  She said she wanted arms just like Michelle Obama...arms that "would make other girls jealous".
It always amazes me that we (especially females) pick out these "ideals" to strive for that will NEVER HAPPEN.  I say never because they're not OUR bodies.  That's like saying your best self is not only not good enough, but its so inadequate that the only image worth striving for is that of someone else.
How sad.
When we constantly put someone else on that pedestal, we naturally demote ourselves and potential.  Challenge:
Let go of those ideals.
Push yourself.
Be open to the changes.
Appreciate progress.
Strive for YOUR best, and be proud of your own portrait of fit.

I promise if you truly make an effort to do so, it will blow your mind and be the most empowering journey you'll experience.

*   *   *

In other news, Oscar has thrown up 7 times in the past 24 hours.
Yes, I love my cat.
BUT, being the rarely-sympathetic-horrible person I am, after the 3rd pile I reach a whole new level of intolerance.  I no longer feel sorry for my cat.  At that point, I am ready to solve the swallowing-of-hair-and-then-regurgitate it problem.  I am 2 seconds from shaving him and not thinking twice about it.
Ridiculous, I know.
But you didn't see the 7" hair-log in my hallway.  It could have been mistaken for a ferret.  A nasty ferret.

And that's pretty much my day in a nutshell.  Hope it was a good one folks.
Lora, enjoy your birthday tomorrow :)

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