Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hump Day Turkey Crisis

My hump day just ended with 2 pounds of cooked ground turkey on the floor.
Yes, I dropped it. 
It went everywhere.
Oscar stood there eying it like a milk-filled toilet bowl, ready to dive in.  I yelled at him as if he was the one that caused the problem.  He wasn't, but he was the only innocent bystander to take the blame.  Sucks for him.  Ironically, I'll be scooping his poo tomorrow.....and the circle of life is complete....

There are days when I honestly want to sit in the back corner of a Barnes and Noble (I like the smell of books), and just be.  Yes, I would read, but that would last all of 10 minutes before I'm asleep and drooling on myself in the self-help section.  What a site.  But the day started off rainy,..I was tired, for a second it was fitting.  I needed a serious boost.  And by boost I mean caffeine, sleep, or slap in the face...maybe all three, in that order.

There was no way I could have attempted to lift weights today.  Thankfully, I just had cardio...and I huffed and puffed through that.  Tomorrow is back/core.  I'd still like for my upper back to be thicker, but I'll have to focus on that after this shoot in 4 weeks. 

Highlight of the day...
I worked with this kid who is in high school and often comes in with a girl he is "quite fond of".  They're cute, probably more interested in making out than working out, but whatever.  I mentioned to him that I could tell he's put on some mass in his chest and shoulders.  For the record, I probably still have a good 15-20 pounds on this guy, but it was progress so I was definitely going to take note.  Well, after their workout they go strolling to the car, and he takes his shirt off in the parking lot like a Chip n Dale.  Garrett and I just stood back and laughed.  It was a proud moment for a kid who would never be the base of any human-pyramid picture.  His vertebrae would literally snap.
But holy crap the guy now has pecs.  What a great day.

They are definitely making out right now...
And yes, his shirt is on the floor.

On that note, I am headed to bed.  I've got 15 minutes to wash dishes, fold laundry, and attempt to make a to-do list for tomorrow.  You know I'm tired when making a list does not excite thing you know Lohan is refusing free shots, Octomom gets a hysterectomy, and the world comes to an end.

Have a lovely we come Thursday!

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