Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Abdominal Abuse

The Hunger Games are currently taking place at my dinner table.  I am winning....pretty much beating myself.  The appetite is revving tonight and this salmon is out of control good.

I feel lost in this week.  Having come off a weekend getaway, its just crazy right now and the amount of laundry piled up on my floor is enough to make me risk an exposure charge to avoid washing and folding that crap.  I am not a fan,...can you tell?  Although, scrubbing the shower ranks pretty high up there on the horrible list.  There's no way to stay dry while doing it, so I've tried cleaning it while actually showering, which can't be smart either.  Enclosed space with Lysol.....butt naked....slippery surface....its a recipe for a torn ACL and unexplainable rash.  There's got to be another way.

Its been an interesting week thus far with clients.
People are going on vacation, throwing parties, and seem to be struggling with the whole staying-on-track thing.  Next thing they know, the scale is up a few pounds and a minor freak-out occurs with me mid workout.  A common theme I've heard is "I'm just lazy to cook what I should eat or make sure I get in extra cardio."  Uhhh....ok.  I get it.  But my God people, why on earth would you expect EVERYTHING to be easy, convenient, or handed to you?  Why do we have this notion that ANY extra time spent on our health is a waste?  As I've told clients before, every time you say its too hard to get up 15 minutes earlier to make a healthy breakfast, or 5 minutes to pack a lunch, or 30 minutes spent on a walk instead of in front of the tv, you're basically saying you're not worth the effort to be the healthiest version of YOU possible.  Because the truth is that if you valued yourself and your health, a few minutes here and there would not be such a burden.  Sure you can continue unhealthy habits, but ask yourself this...Am I content with my health?  Some folks immediately fire back with "Yes!" as if to try and convince themselves that an extra 60 pounds is ok because at least its not 100.  At some point it has to click,...that life should be enjoyed and lived in the fullest, and that starts when we are able to take better care of ourselves. 
Its unfortunate that many people live a limited life because of their own poor choices.  Adjust your perspective.  It should be empowering to make changes and see improvement.  It means you're taking steps outside of the self-proclaimed "lazy" habits, and regaining control.  Very cool.

My own workouts this week have been great thus far.  I am pretty darn tired, but weights have stayed relatively heavy considering.  The highlight of today's workout was when I tried this ab exercise on the TRX and nearly gave birth on the 3rd rep.  It was beautifully horrible.  Garrett made it look like a piece of cake...I hate his abs.  Mine still hurt.

Ah, almost 9pm.  I've got to get in bed at a decent time tonight otherwise I will be a nightmare tomorrow morning.  Have a great night, and yes, I have more stories tomorrow night.  Gotta love hump day. 

Unrelated: birthday in 2 days...28 years under the belt and yet I will still laugh at a fart.  Unbelievable.

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