Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Live with gratitude

There are some days that can literally knock you to your knees.
Today was one of those days.
What began as a normal day at the gym transitioned into sitting at a 14 year old's funeral service contemplating my own mortality.  One of our gym families lost their youngest son/brother in a horrible accident on Saturday, and the days that transpired sense then have been a blur.  I'll never understand why tragedy tends to get our attention more than the day to day blessings we encounter without a second glance.  Then life throws a curve ball.  A wild curve ball that throws you back on your heels and in the dirt.  I am still blown away by the whole thing and my heart aches for the Hubbard family.

Well, as you know yesterday was my big day back in the weights....boy was I ready. 
Not going to lie, I felt a little weak.  My muscle contraction felt much better than 2 weeks ago though, so I was pretty pumped about that.  Overall, I had a good workout on Monday (shoulders, biceps, core), and then it was chest and quads today.  Needless to say I had to forgo the cardio.  I got my fair share last week.  Honestly, I'd hoped to get in at least 30 minutes, but I was shot and my body was tired...it simply wasn't going to happen.  Today I did some intervals on the treadmill, which, after  4 sets of squats, leg press, and leg extension was about as exciting as basket weaving.  No offense to basket weavers....but you're reading the wrong blog...

I had a new client on Monday who reminded me every 5 minutes that she hates working out and its horrible and its way too hard.  I laugh.  Really?  What do you expect?  Are we supposed to sit in a circle and play patty-cake?  It amazes me.  Its really OK not to enjoy every second, but our society breeds this "everything-needs-to-feel-great-or-its-bad" mentality.  I fight it with people everyday.
Accept that its going to be hard.
Expect that you won't enjoy every minute.
Put in the time.
See the results.

I've got approximately 20 minutes before I need to be in bed ready to take hump day by the horns.  Have a great night folks.  Embrace life.  Be thankful for each breath.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you knew the Hubbard family, I was also at the memorial service for Blake as my kids also attend Trinity. What a powerful service, so happy to see so many people there for support and love. The high school students have had a tough week so far, my daughter has told me how emotionally drained and worn out she feels, this is tough for all of them. I feel for the family, what a horrific loss, absolutely heart wrenching.

    I won't see you this week, I didn't realize that you didn't work on Fridays and this week that's the only day I could squeeze in my workout. :( Will see you next week.

    Glad you are back to lift ing!!!!
