Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Cracking epidermis...happy winter...

Nothing on my body is sore right now and I don't understand this concept...
Day 3 of cardio and the treadmill is taking its toll on my feet and sanity.  I am counting the days, hours, minutes until I can lift.  This is absurd, I realize...some people were born with a silver spoon and I came into the world in squat position ready to toss around an 10lb med ball...
Give me weights asap...

Wednesdays always feel long.
I had a long break in my day since I did my cardio at 5:30 this morning.  For the record, there is nothing fun about cardio first thing in the morning except that its too early to even complain about it.  I get it.  But the good news is that I was done, showered, and onto my 3rd cup of coffee by 7:15am.  Thank God.  The morning went smoothly, and then I was off to Target to pick up a few items.  Its I go through band-aids and neosporin like tic-tacs.  My hands are cracking and bleeding and honestly its pretty painful.  I sleep in band-aids, lotion, and gloves...yes, I'm that loser, and my husband feels like he's sleeping with a criminal.  Need a ransom note?  I could write one at 2am.  No prints.
So basically, those 2 things were at the top of my list.  By the time I left I could hardly keep my eyes open.  I made it to my car and that was pretty much it.  I leaned my seat back, cracked the windows, and slept for 45 minutes.  It was beautiful.  I was out cold and probably drooled.  Hope someone saw it...

The afternoon was great with clients and the time flew by.  I kept having this reoccurring theme today... Even though majority of people will work harder with a trainer standing right there, that's only a single piece of the puzzle.  For my folks trying to shed some fat, I have to continually ask how their food-intake is going and if they are adhering to adjustments we've made along the way.
Its interesting to hear similar trends..."I can't just have ONE piece"....."by 4pm I am tired and just want sugar"....."I don't have time for breakfast, so I just skip it"....and the list could go on and on.  I think its good for people to realize they are not alone in this and that even us trainers have moments when we crave stuff, over eat, or find ourselves giving into a sweet temptation.  No one is perfect.  But we need to strive for balance.  Our bodies talk to us if we're willing to listen.  Craving fats at night?  Perhaps you're not getting enough healthy fats during the day.  Hit a wall at 4pm?  You're body may need a snack mid-day to maintain energy levels.  Overeating every night at dinner?  Maybe its a matter of adjusting calories during the day so you're more satisfied by the time dinner rolls around.  Sometimes the answer is a quick fix and sometimes it requires more trial and error to figure out the main issue.  BUT, we can all practice taking a step back and just listening for a moment.

Speaking of, I'm about to listen to mine and get my rear in bed.  Thursday is going to be nuts.
Another day.
Another opportunity to be great.
Go with it!

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