Monday, January 23, 2012

Longest week EVER...

What a day.
I fell asleep around 10pm last night and woke up about 3 times before the alarm went off at 4:18.  It might as well yell obscenities at me instead of ring. 

The day started off like a typical Monday, and before I knew it I was pretty much nodding off before it was time for me to workout.  That is the worst.  When you're so tired that you're dizzy and simply laying down to demonstrate an exercise is like a horrible tease.  I get on the mat, and no, I don't want to do crunches, I want a back rub and then proceed to lay in fetal position for 20 minutes.  Yes, that was me by 11am.  Then I made the executive decision to do something that I haven't done in well over 2 years (probably more).  The fact is that my strength has been down over the course of the last 2+ weeks, my body is tight and tired, and mentally I need a refocus.  SO, I decided to take the week off from lifting.  Yes, look for Jesus tomorrow because the world may be ending soon.  I was toying with the idea last week and spent a lot of time thinking about it over the weekend...especially Sunday when I had to take a nap at 11am because I could not physically hold my eyes open any longer.  It was time. 
To be totally honest, its been a huge mental struggle and its only day 1.  Lifting is such a huge part of my life and where I derive pleasure, empowerment, and gain strength physically/mentally/emotionally.  BUT, I have to listen to my body right now and take a step back. 
It was strange for me not to even touch a weight today, but this week I will focus on cardio/stretching.  I ran 5.5 miles today and then walked on incline 10 to finish out 70 minutes.  I was amazed at how little sense of accomplishment/enjoyment I got from that versus lifting weights.  There are certainly things that are necessary in life, but don't always feed your soul.  Most days cardio is crap on my soul.  But I do it.  And this week I'll be doing it until I'm blue in the face and screaming for my mama.
I can't tell you how tempted I am to say to hell with it and lift tomorrow.  Ugh...I'd probably bang my head against the wall if I didn't physically have to get out of this chair...just imagine how I'll be by Friday...

I'm currently in a cabbage/chicken coma.  Seriously cannot move.  And that's how my Monday ends...very non-dramatic. 

Night folks!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, if you can go an entire week without lifting anything (other than what you're handing your clients ;-)) I can sure as hell get through anything in one week. I know how hard that must be for you, but it also means you're truly listening to your body and giving it what it needs. Your post came at an appropriate time for me, because I missed teaching last night and I feel the need to bust out a double workout today to make up for it. I'll be thinking of you today and this week!
