Saturday, January 28, 2012


Saturday afternoon and my house is silent.  It is absolutely wonderful to say the least, and was only briefly interrupted when a neighborhood kid thought it was funny to ring my doorbell and run.  Really?  Is this 1992...who does that anymore?  I saw his mullet flapping in the wind as he ran off...enough said.

I am tired...just woke up from a nap.
I felt like I couldn't even relax until after my hip-hop class today.  My Friday was completely full of a massive to-do list, then it was off to my parents' house for dinner, back home by 11, then had to finish preparing the routine for this morning,...I was a nut case.  The class was an absolute blast, but it was hotter than a confessional in there.  If you've ever taken a hip-hop class you can't help but have some appreciation for back-up dancers on tv.  I was sucking some serious wind...
Not sure where my rhythm came from...although we used to watch Soul Train with my great-grandmother.   Apparently she had an inner gansta....explains a lot.

Today capped off my week-of-cardio.  Made it.  Monday-Wednesday was distance/steady-state on the treadmill, Thursday and Friday was TABATA intervals which made me want my mama by the end, and today was hip-hop class.  I am officially ready to pick up some weights on Monday!!  Ahhh, I can't wait!  It will be 9 days by that point...dear Jesus...

 I honestly wasn't sure I'd make it.  That sounds crazy to many of you, but I'm totally serious.  I was soooo tempted yesterday.   To wake up 5 days in a row and not be sore was the most bazaar thing to me.  I'm ready to feel like I've worked.  I'm practically counting the hours...

Ok, time for a few housy-chores, and then off to a basketball game.  It might be a cup-of-joe-in-the-afternoon kind of day.  :) 


  1. I hope you're not drinking coffee in the afternoon again!?? Haha, I like the pics, who took them? Hope you had a great weekend, sorry I didn't get to catch up with you...hope the week goes well.

    1. Nah, no worries, I am not going back to coffee in the afternoon...just once in a blue moon :) Hey, I was headed to a family event = coffee necessary!
      Kira Speer took the pics for me. It was a decent weekend...some low points (as you heard I'm sure), but I hope your trip home was great. We will catch up soon!

  2. oh dang i look hott in that picture :)
