Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pointing fingers

Not sure which is worse,...a Monday or a long Wednesday.  Would you rather eat human poo or dog poo?  My point exactly.  What a long day....good, but long.

Started off the day with fresh that, I mean a new client.  I had an initial evaluation.  Went well, but its always funny to me when people say the scale is wrong.  Like, all of a sudden gravity's pull just increased and they now weigh 6 pounds more than they expected.  Come on people.  So its not the poor diet choices?...or the sedentary lifestyle?...or the fact that the last run you did was to the bathroom?...Nope, its apparently the scale.  I love how we are a nation of blamers.  We blame TV, we blame celebrities, we blame fast food restaurants,...the list is endless and sad to be quite honest.  Heaven forbid we pause and consider the idea that we have more control over mental, emotional, and physical health than we'd like to admit.  Because admitting it means we have to then assume responsibility.  Oh how the tables then turn...

Ok, I won't stay too long on my soap box...

Workout today was just sprints followed my some steady-state incline walking/eliptical.  My hamstrings were screaming from the straight leg deadlifts yesterday so I stopped just shy of all-out speed.  I was honestly afraid one would snap.  Not kidding...they are that sore and tight right now.  But I got through it, and am pumped about upper-body tomorrow.  So far I've really enjoyed just mixing things up this week.  Its been very tough, but good.

Alright, I really do not have much to elaborate on tonight...just exhausted.  Have a great night folks!


  1. I'm alive, I'm back... :)
    Love your new profile pic by the way! Glad to hear you're doing great. I hope you weren't too hard on that new client of yours. :)

    Have a good Friday!

  2. Hey lady! Welcome back :)
    Yes, things are going well, and me being "hard" on a client is a very relative term! Ha.
