I exceeded my word limit today. By 4pm I had even ceased to talk to myself. The hump in hump day was a big one today...
The highlight of the day though probably came around 3:15. I was training a group of ladies in their 50's, and one woman mentioned that she went and tried a pole-dancing fitness class yesterday. I immediately had to stop what I was doing and listen. Kudos to her for trying something new and edgy. But her next comment made me laugh..."Meredith, I thought of you because I think you'd be really good at it, and your husband would love it." Ok,...sooo...I wasn't sure whether to take that as a compliment or an insult, because the only people who look like they'd be good at that already do that and get paid for it. Not exactly the classiest bunch, but to each their own. Apparently, I missed my calling. And as for the fact that my husband would like it,....HA...my God I would hope so! Because I'd be pretty pissed if I busted my hip trying to do a spin move on that thing and he didn't enjoy it. Put ESPN on in the background and he would never move from the recliner again....and remain mildly confused as to what to pay attention to more....ridiculous, yet true.
Needless to say, I got a good laugh from that conversation...and I have no plans for a career change. It would be all good until I broke out some pull-ups and have people confused...
Training today was just sprints, followed by 15 minutes of steady-state. My hamstrings felt so much better than last week at this time, so I was able to increase the speed/incline a little. I started out with 15 on, 15 off for about 7 minutes. Then I switched to 20 on, 40 walk for 5. Then 10 on, 50 walk at higher incline for 8. The key on high intensity is to make it just that...high intensity. Your sprints should be hard and you should be sucking some wind. The higher you can maintain your heartrate without feeling like you're about to pass out, awesome. Max heartrate varies from person to person, and the stronger your heart gets, the higher you'll be able to maintain. But your heartrate should reflect your effort. Thus, if you are running at speed 6, feeling like you should be able to go faster, but have a heartrate of 170,...not good. Max effort should = max heartrate (or very close to it). Anyway, sprints went well and now my body is ready for some rest. Understatement of the day...
Tomorrow is round 2 of upper body. No pull-ups. Thank God. Every now and then I get on this anti-_____ kick,...to which you can fill in the blank with various exercises. Right now it is pull-ups. Tomorrow it might be something else. Most of the time, "cardio" fits perfectly there. Shocker...
Ok, time for bed. Got to recharge the batteries a little bit...DD's...takes a lot to move this tank...
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