Monday, August 8, 2011

All in...all the time...

Monday already?!
Dear Lord, I'm still recouping from this weekend. Wedding...birthday was a busy weekend, but great weekend.  Did I splurge a little?  Let's be honest.  Wedding receptions are out of control...booze...cake...and there was a candy bar AND ice cream bar at this one.  Between all of that, my pancreas was secreting insulin like it was on speed.  Needless to say my body was ready for a little detox yesterday.  Sunday is a day of rest and detoxing.  Ever wonder why some of your worst hangovers come on a Sunday?...God's way of calling you an idiot.  No need to experience that too much after the age of 22, so I enjoyed what I wanted at both events, but didn't go overboard.  Besides, it truly doesn't take much to send me into a sugar coma.

It is quite funny to me though when people at these events find out I'm a trainer and then make a joke about not wanting to sit next to me while they eat.  They think I will be judging what is on their plate.  Umm...perhaps,...but I'm not here to explain the difference between an apple and apple pie.  While we might not be the most intelligent people, I believe that's an obvious one.  There have been times though when I've considered stealing someone's fork.  Maybe it sounds horrible, but I think slowly killing yourself and selfishly acting like it doesn't affect others around you is pretty darn horrible.  Yes, I tend to be a little "tougher" with my love...

On to other things...

I was ready to get back in gear today.  Week 2 of my new training program...all upper body today.  Still keeping all reps 6-8 for 4 sets.  I really tried to increase weight as much as possible and shoot for the lower end of the rep range.  A couple of lifts went up, which I was pumped about.  All 4 sets of db bench press with 50's.  Shoulder press with 35's.  Bent over BB row at 115lbs.  I can't complain.  I finished with sprints and then walking/eliptical.  I was spent after that.  Another great thing about this new split is that after Monday's workout, I honestly look forward to working legs on Tuesday.  Yeah,...never thought that would be the case.  But I'll take it.

I think too many people have this notion that you must love every aspect of working out and training.  Ha.  Far from the truth.  It is work.  If you head into it expecting to be comfortable the entire time and enjoy every second, you will be highly disappointed.  I'd say I enjoy about 40% of my workout everyday.  But the feeling of accomplishment and confidence that arises after completing the workout is far more powerful that any pain/struggle in the other 60%.  You simply have to be willing to push through those mental barriers/expectations and allow your body to prove to your mind that you can.  Be open to the idea that something just might be possible...then go.

I think I've literally chewed over 15 pieces of gum today.  My oral fetish is absurd.  But I will only chew it for about 5 minutes and then spit it out.  Its odd, I know.  Random thought of the day.

Ok, I need to do a little research, fold some laundry, then hit the sac.  Big lifting day coming up...gonna squat like a mad woman...then pray my rearend will be able to move on Wednesday.  I make no promises at this point.

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