Ah yes, another day.
I awoke from a death like sleep this morning. You know, one of those nights when you wake up with your face planted in the pillow, probably some drool, and fairly certain you were beat in your sleep. Yup, that was me at 4:26. I've needed sleep like that for a couple of weeks now, so I won't complain.
My morning crowd was great, and I had many laughs....if I'm not laughing by 8am I know its going to be a long day. Seriously, I just looked over into the kitchen and noticed cat vomit on the floor. (Random and infuriating observation). My cat is bulimic and sneaks laxatives I want to yell at him. No really, I had to clean up diarrhea on Sunday...twice. I don't get it,...he can run and catch a fly in the room but he can't manage to make it to the litter box before the bottom falls out. Literally. I'm about 1 dump-mishap away from strapping a maxipad to that feline.
On to other subjects...
Had a great leg workout today. I didn't time my rest-time between sets as strict as I should have, but other than that I was pleased. My total volume on squats and leg extensions increased, and I made it through hamstring curls without crying. My hamstrings are still ridiculously tight, and so the first set of straight leg deadlifts were wonderful..HA. I've got to get back to stretching more. I stress it to people all the time, and here I am walking around like an old woman and cursing every time my hamstrings hit the toilet seat. Its absurd. Ah yes, we all have things to work on...and my list is a mile long...
That vomit is still sitting there staring at me like a stalker. Ugh.
Well, the college crew is dwindling down as kids head back to school. Its honestly been a great group this year. I think the theme of this summer has been self-improvement and resilience. Can I get an AMEN Zimm?! I am still not drinking coffee in the afternoon...not sure how I feel about that one area of "improvement", but ok. I need to pick another area of improvement for the Fall...hmmm...so much to choose from. Any thoughts?? If you don't know me, I can't promise that your opinion will matter. Wow, brutal honesty...no need for improvement there! :)
Well, its about that time...its still light outside and I am about to head to bed. After I clean up vomit....2 inches from the hardwood floor...just 2 inches. Thank you Oscar for reminding me why I don't have kids...
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