Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday smack down

Tuesday is generally one of my favorite days....its not nuts like Monday, its not long like Thursday, its just a very non-controversial day.  Today, Tuesday punched me in the face and then proceeded to drag me by my hair until I was ready to cry "uncle" by the afternoon. 
I got to work extra early to make sure I was mentally prepared for the day, and honestly felt pretty good.  By 9:15 I hit I wall.  I was dizzy, exhausted, and just wanted a nap...ridiculous.  And I truly hate when I start to feel like that prior to a workout.  As if its not going to be hard enough, let's add some fatigue on top of it.  Geez.  I had chest, shoulders, and core today.  I kept weights as heavy as possible, but was honestly struggling during my first exercise.  Everything just felt heavier than normal...so I gave it what I had, finished with a 4 mile run, and that was about all I could do...

By 3:30 my head was on the desk and I literally fell asleep for a few minutes while writing out workout plans.  The phone woke me up.  Stupid phone.  3:45-5:30 was pretty much a blur, and I was surprised and pleased to finish the day without banging my head against the wall.  Seriously though, it was great to be back at work, interact with clients, and just be on my normal-yet-severely-ridiculous schedule.  I enjoyed telling them about my trip to Texas and the many "this would only happen to me" stories.  Speaking of, Lora I was in a mini nightmare on my first flight back from McAllen.  It was a smaller jet...maybe 70 people total.  I start counting to make sure my eyes were not deceiving me before we boarded...yup, 13 kids....13.  I think I nearly went deaf from turning up my iPod so high.  It was 1:00 in the afternoon and I knew these little rascals were already at level 8 on a serious sugar high.  I was pretty much doomed.  Needless to say it was a long flight, but thankfully, there was no crying.  If they had started crying, I would have as well...just before I threw something...

One thing I did learn in Texas was that when a Hispanic woman offers you the "mild" sauce, and you're a white chick with a weak stomach, just say no.  There is nothing "mild" about it and you will likely lose your esophagus.  Lesson learned.

Ryan and I got in a couple of really good workouts while I was there.  My back is still sore from Friday, and my calves from the 6 mile run on Sunday.  Yes, you read correctly.  Zimm asked me if I'd lost my mind...yes, the answer is yes.  I just got in this weird zone and kept going...I will stop right there trying to explain it because I myself do not understand.  I told Brian today that I don't like the fact that I dislike running so much....so perhaps if I do it more, I'll start enjoying it.  Which is probably crap because if you think about it, if you really dislike someone and then go spend a bunch of time with them you don't necessarily like them more.  You might actually look interested in what they have to say but only because you are trying your hardest to figure out a way to care less.  I get it.  My experiment might fail.  We'll see.

Brian also pointed out today that I never post anything serious on twitter.  Ok, let me see if I can explain this....its called tweeting for goodness sake...I can't even take that word seriously.  And quite frankly, it really bothers me when people take themselves too seriously.  Is there a "Chinese proverb" writer on twitter?...exactly.  I will be serious when the time is right...and sharing a precious thought with my followers via phone with the possibility that they could be reading it on the jon, just doesn't motivate me to dispense deep, thought provoking material.  Because at that moment, I come second to a bowel movement.  I'd rather say something random to perhaps evoke a smile or laugh and then go on about my day.

Great to catch up with the Zimmerman bros today.  Nice workout guys... :)  And T, why was the plate on your back during planks a 35 and not a 45??!

Alright, I am already nodding off and I still need to clean my dishes.  Ugh....Night!


  1. You are just too funny! So, 13 kids, eh?? You were doomed for sure! What if they had all been one big family and all had seats next to each other and your seat was in the middle! Now that would have been a crazy sight! :)

    So glad to hear you and Ryan had a great time together. I hope you have another trip planned soon.

    If it makes you feel better, I don't have a laptop, so no reading twitter in my bathroom. If you got all serious, I wouldn't know what to do with it, it just wouldn't be Meredith. Keep it light---sorry Brian. :)

  2. I have to agree with you on the Twitter thing - my favorite tweets (did I REALLY just type "tweets?!") are the funny/sarcastic/humorous ones.

    I've really missed you this week..been a loooooong one. Looking forward to next Tues!
