I can hardly move right now....just got home from my massage and still covered in massage-lube. I was whining like a little baby during the whole thing. Sweating, cursing, and every now and then had to tell her to stop because I honestly thought I was going to throw up. The last place I want to be while throwing up is on a massage table, practically naked, with my face buried in a head rest that looks like a toilet seat. That costs many a cool point right there.
I was looking forward to it all day though because my low back was killing me. I was demonstrating an exercise yesterday afternoon and must have tweaked it or something because it was stilling hurting to walk today. But, Ellen was fully successful in beating the shit out of me during the massage. At one point, I was unable to focus on my back because my entire body was numb and I'm fairly certain I almost cried...
Workout went well. I was exhausted before I even began, but once this train got rolling I was good to go. Back, core, then 4 mile run. I kept reps 10-12 on everything, and incorporated a couple of exercises I haven't done in months, so that was a nice change. The run was not exactly horrible, but my calves were pretty tight and would cramp up every so often. I find that if I focus on the distance rather than the time, its a littler easier mentally to get through. Eh whatever...got through it...onward we roll...
I trained my mom and mother-in-law today. Does that qualify for workers' comp? Just curious. Actually, it is totally fine and almost comical to watch my mom. I clearly got my athleticism from my dad...bless her heart. She doesn't enjoy the discomfort of lifting, but comes in and gets it done anyway. What a trooper...a menopausal trooper...
Big day tomorrow. Clean, workout, then bar. Ha. Seriously though,....its our "going away" party for Krishinda and Morven. Not sure how I feel about drinking in front of my clients. Siiiiiiiiiiiikkkee...not phased, totally fine. And I think that was the first time I've used that word since 1994...and for good reason.
Ok, time for bed. Have a great night and be ready to roll tomorrow! :)
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