Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Granola Rants and A Few Pics

I had a handful of people email/text me today a link to an article rant about the Whole Foods shopping experience.  I think its been circulating social media, and honestly one of the funniest things I've ever read.
If you're easily offended, bypass it like the plague,.....and then stop taking yourself so one else does, I promise.
But thank God I am not the only one who leaves that place nearly losing all faith in humanity and swearing off "going green" just out of spite for the overpriced breast-o-chicken and jackass on aisle 3.
All that to say THANK YOU for those of you who sent this.  I laughed until I cried,....and was once again reminded of how tame my rants are ;)
Ah yes, perspective...
Will I still shop there?
I like to think of it as a test.  A test of patience, determination, and pure will power not to rearend a prius or bare-handedly graze at the "Granola Bar" (clever name you witty marketers), simply because if I bag that extra walnut I'm out another $2.
I leave feeling stronger, more aware,...and smelling like a horrible incense combination of lavender, pine, and lysol.
Give me 12 days to recover and darned if I'm not back in there.....unbelievable...

Well, it was a long day, and I literally just sat down for dinner...
Up and back at it in ehh, roughly 7 hours.  There better be some vicodin laced in this chicken...
Dear Whole Foods, your welcome for the idea.  Worth every bit of $12/pound.

I will leave you with a few shots from my shoot with Teddy.  I posted some on my facebook page (search Meredith P Falcon, CPT)...and join the craziness of my everyday facebook peeps.
Seriously, thank you to those who sent some awesome feedback.  It means a lot, and I appreciate it a great deal.
Teddy was great to work with and email me if you want his contact or info!


  1. LOVE the pics! You look great as always.

    I'm still trying to figure out what the hell that kid was doing...

  2. Ah thank you Hayley!
    Hahaha...yeah, slightly disturbing that my initial reaction was to take a picture, not run outside. Not too shocking I'm sure. ;)
