Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remembering........and Exciting News

Honestly, my mind was pretty distracted all day with memories from that Tuesday morning.
I'm pretty sure everyone remembers where they were, and what occupied them at the time.
I was a freshman at Elon University, and being a Tuesday, was sleeping in until I had class at 10:30.  When I woke it was surreal, but I'll never forget how beautiful that day was.  Such a stark contrast to the nightmare unfolding on our soil.
TV's were blaring the news in everyone's room, and by the time another plane was located, my roommate was frantically trying to get a hold of her father, who worked in Washington at the time.
I felt helpless and scared.  And for the first time in my life it was as though the veil of naivety was being lifted, and I truly saw the world we live in.
Eye-opening for an 18 year old.

So for those of you who lost loved ones, friends, coworkers,...please know that we still remember, and we still lift you up in our thoughts and prayers...

*  *  *

I will end this short post on an uplifting note...
Last night I drove back to Durham (yes, I drove all the way home,...forgot where I was actually supposed to be,...cursed myself,..then got back in the car) hear the announcement that I will have another little set of feet to cover with adorable shoes....

Niece #3 on the way!
Start buying stock in Tampax.
Dad jokingly said he was going to send out a "How-To" instructional on making boys....
My guess is it involved some Kenny G and few bad decisions.....explains a lot, believe me.

Alright folks, it was short and sweet and now time for a few more emails then some much needed zzzz's....

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! That's so exciting. There seriously must be something in the water...seems like everyone I know is preggers right now. I can already see you stocking up in more shoes. :)
