Monday, September 16, 2013

Picture Not So Perfect

There are moments when I am truly thankful for the iphone camera.
Like when I've come home after a long day, wash my face, head back downstairs, but notice this:...

I don't know what they were playing, but I support it.
Poor kid is either crashing from a fun-dip bender or completely failed at hide and seek....or a combination of both.
But he is pretty much the portrait of a Monday evening if I've ever seen one.
What a day...

Always fulfilling, but definitely a long day.
By the time I got on the phone with Sparkles to discuss life, liberty, and the pursuit of everything shiny, I had to put a word limit on the whole thing.  After 12 minutes I had reached a new level of sarcasm that I knew would not go over too well. 
I know my limits.
And mom doesn't do sarcasm,...oh the irony that I would spring from her loins.

Great day with clients, but definitely a wake up call for a few in terms of nutrition.  Its like people hit the weekend and practically blow the locks off pandora's box.  Its ridiculous.
I completely understand having a day to "ease up" or "treat yourself", however you want to put it is up to you, but some of the confessionals thrown on me Monday morning are honestly out of control.
Yes, I appreciate the candidness, but its all I can do not to shake them into a neck injury.
And what is down right comical to me is when they post pictures on facebook of a meal that is coronary heart disease on Chinet.
First, live life on the edge,...use a real plate,...wash it,...what a concept.
Second, why is it necessary to broadcast that,...especially knowing your trainer will see?  Piece of advice, if you're going to avidly reiterate to me your goals of losing weight and being dedicated to what you want most, don't post pictures on a regular basis of the crap going in your mouth.
Is it to say you can never have it?  Absolutely not.
BUT, your photo album shouldn't go: food,...child,,,...child, and child,...
You get the idea.
I get frustrated with some folks, yes, but remind them at the end of the day it boils down to what they want MORE.
That is called discipline.
I think I just raised my blood pressure....

That's all I got for a Monday.
Tomorrow will start off with a bang and then onto a very busy rest of the week/weekend.  Have a great night folks!

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