Sunday, September 8, 2013

Its Fine Dad, I'll Walk...

If it wasn't for the bugs I would honestly sleep outside in this weather.
However, I simply cannot handle the thought of something crawling on me in the night...or day for that matter.  I will freak out....possibly hurting myself, and then spend the next few weeks explaining the injury.
Thus, I stay indoors, open a window, and pretend I'm being one with nature.
Don't screw with my zen.

Well, my body is still recovering from the last few days...
The photoshoot was Friday morning, and by the time I was done I was ready for my 4th cup of coffee and maybe a glass of wine to wash it down.
I thought it went great, and am excited to post some pictures later this week.  There were several frustrating moments when I'd look back through the shots and criticize my facial expressions.  I struggle with the "in between" look.  Not happy, not intense,...just a casual gaze if you will.  Its as if my face immediately looks pissed off or constipated.  Neither of which are appealing, lets be honest.
I will post a few non-constipated ones in a few days...

What a day.
It began at 5am...of course I was up ready to roll before most decent human beings on a Sunday.  I can't help it.
Like trying to stop a train.
HOWEVER, yours truly was down for a nap by 10:30.....(my sleeping patterns and bladder are more comparable to that of a 6 year old with a UTI and hypersomnia).
Then it was time to hit the road...Grandpa's funeral service was today.
I get about 15 minutes down the road when something in my engine just goes nuts.  The battery light comes on, car starts heating up, and as I'm pulling over I lose power steering.
Awesome timing.
I will say though, I'd be extremely screwed if it happened at 5am headed to work.
Dad eventually shows up, and before I know it I'm practically dry-heaving out the window.  To say that my dad plays patty-cake with the gas peddle is an understatement. 
Speed up, slow down, fast, slow, slower, BREAK, speed up, gun it, BREAK,....after 3 minutes I was hoping one good break-slam would lead my forehead straight into the dashboard and take me out of my misery.
We got to our destination in one piece.
"Dad, I need a second, I'm going to throw up."
"Well, go ahead...throw up."
Such compassion,....and easy for him to say.  He was the one controlling that mini-nightmare.
Long story short, car is towed and I'm driving their truck for a few days.
This should be outlawed...

Long Monday ahead.  First client at 5:30, last client at 6:30,....and this is why I have a slight coffee addiction. ;)
Nah, I am pumped though...a couple of new evals tomorrow thrown in the mix, which is always interesting.  Yes, I study them like a hawk...
Well, its about that time.  Beauty rest....for the sake of everyone tomorrow...

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