Monday, September 9, 2013

Give A Hug,...Not A Debbie Cake

I am spent.
Even after getting in bed at 9:00 last night, it was all I could do to get home without falling asleep.  I got mom on the phone, put it on speaker, and turned the volume all the way up.
No shot I was going to sleep through that.
It was all fun and games until the dreaded "We have to talk about something you said..".....oh geez, the list of possibilities scrolled through my head like meter tape, and there was no telling where this was headed, but 99.97% of the time its in reference to something borderline offensive that spewed from my mouth.
I don't wish dementia on that woman,...but rather temporary memory loss when my filter is loose.
Needless to say I was fully awake for the last 15 minutes of that ride...

It was a good day with clients, and I was excited to meet my new ones I'm throwing in the mix as well...
I truly learn so much just listening to where they are in life, what they desire for themselves, and the hurdles they are obviously trying to overcome along the way.
I had a new woman today who, like so many, has done the whole "diet" thing forwards, backwards, no carb, no fat, just juice, ah the list could go on.  I've heard it a lot though.  But it never ceases to amaze me how often I hear some version of "Well, I know the chips and cookies shouldn't be in the house, but I have 2 kids...."
Somebody please give me a dollar every time I hear this.  Or 50 cents.  I don't care.

Question: From a health standpoint, so weight-loss goals aside, if its not healthy for you to eat those things WHY would you promote that your kids do?!  And I purposefully use the word promote because it is more than simply "tolerating" them eating it if you are, in fact, the one buying the crap.  You are then endorsing it.  Period.
So back to the original question.  The fact is that its not healthy for them either, and yet this is often the excuse as to why the mess is in the house to begin with.
They eat it, you inevitably eat it,...its a lose/lose.

Let me propose a thought that directly hits at some of the twisted motivation behind this I'm-a-hoorible-parent-if-I-don't-provide-what-the-buger-wants mentality...
The essence of your child's beliefs and ideas surrounding "health" and "self-respect" begins with you.  With what you tell them, what you provide for them, and how you treat your own body.
Good or bad, YOU are the first portrait of health they see.
Furthermore,...and this might blow some minds out there,...assuming your love and affection for them is unconditional, (as most would state it is), then correlating the extent to which you love your child or your worth as a mother/father with the amount of junk food you allow your child to eat seems contradictory.
Just a thought.

I think it was a breakthrough for my dear lady this afternoon, and I hope she walks through the door with a new sense of self-worth and confidence that she is changing her habits not only for the betterment of herself, but of her household as well.
Its tough,...but never said it would be easy.

My own workout was brutal today probably because my eating was slightly off.  Getting up at 3:30 shifted everything up a bit, and yes I was brewing more coffee at 2pm.
Tonight I will hit the bed like a champ and pray for a borderline coma by 9:22.
If it goes anything like last night I will wake up at 1am to the sound of fireworks.  Yes, fireworks.  You can imagine my "What in the..?!" outburst.....just after I nearly wet the bed...

On that note, I am about to be down for the count.  Big day ahead people, get your mind right!

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