Saturday, September 14, 2013

Earmuffs and Dew Sweepers

Saturday at 4am...wide awake...roll over...fall back asleep...awake at 4:30...more sleep....6am, new level of nuts and finally just get up.
My ability to sleep beyond 4 is completely hindered by the fact that I never do it...and perhaps my internal clock is sneaking amphetamine.  However, I am working on it...for the sake of my afternoon sanity.

The end of my week was long, but good.  I started with a new golfer, and judging by the number of f-bombs he dropped during a single session I'd say it went rather well.
I finally just had to laugh, and at one point he said "Fudge.  Is that better?".....ha, actually, I can't take that seriously.  It was an attempt, yes, but I know the implication so you might as well let it fly and do us both a favor and liberate the 4-letter beast.
I judge not.
Do what you got to do in those moments.  No, I don't need someone sounding like an Eminem remix at the top of their lungs, but struggle is struggle and I have to grant them freedom to "get through" however they need to.
I just wouldn't bring any 6 year old around some of my clients mid-squat....unless you got some good earmuffs and a guarantee that I won't be blamed for any adolescent anger management issues.

I absolutely love working with my golfers.
Watching their body mechanics and movement patterns shift to a more efficient and powerful transition is very cool.  And it absolutely makes my day to hear a man who has been playing for years with pain say that he is pain free on the course and feeling great.
I think they are always pretty amazed by how much correlation there is between improving strength imbalances, posture, mobility issues, etc..and their actual swing.  Not to get on a tangent, but for all you golfers out there, the bottom line is that trying to fix a swing issue without addressing the body issues is like trying to fix a foundation with duct tape.  Good luck.
My guys put in the work and are truly dedicated to not only improving their game, but also being aware of their body's tendency to resort to old habits when tired.  And it thrills me to no end when they can actively reposition without my cue because they feel it and are aware of their loss of posture/pelvic position/weight shift/etc....
Love it.

Well, its 10:30 and I've cleaned the house, paid bills, and ran 7 miles...I just might tap out for the day.  Ok, not really. 
I need to go vacuum my car.  Yesterday I found a protein bar wrapper from roughly 4 months ago.  Not shocking.
A few things you will always find in my car:
protein bar, tuna packet, clean underwear, running shoes, and a razor.  I like to be prepared for life......or apparently a gang fight.

Pictures from the shoot will be in my hands Monday,...will post soon!
Have a great Saturday folks,....if you are in North Carolina and not out enjoying this weather you are a horrible human being......sort of... ;)

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