Thursday, September 26, 2013

Just Give Me A Bed...

I fell asleep sitting straight up today at the desk.
It was 2pm and after a steady morning, not enough sleep, and a new golf eval, I was one doze away from a coma or a narcoleptic face-plant into the floor.
Honestly, I need to turn off my phone, line up shots of nyquil, take them like a champ in my pj's (naturally), and then actually sleep like a somewhat normal human being.
Rocking the tired-and-haggard look isn't exactly something I want to master....but darn if I don't seem to be doing it well...

It was a steady day that was capped off with a phone call to a client on the way home.
She was updating me with sort of "where she was" in terms of her fitness journey - mentally, emotionally, physically, etc... and she said something that was truly sad to me.
Amidst her unbelievable growth and perspective over the course of the last couple of years, she nailed in on something that I think is a very profound theme and sadly common...
While elaborating on the current chapter of life she's entering and what that means in terms of fitness goals, she said "I don't want to be like my dad."  
Yes, you could insert mom here as well in some cases, but the point is her initial understanding of health and healthy living was unfortunately a bad one....and now years later it has become the very thing she's trying to avoid.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't see this quite often.  Shocking?  Not really.  We learn behavior good/bad from our parents and that absolutely includes nutrition and exercise.  Explains why if one parent is obese the children have a 50% chance of being in the same boat...if both are, that number skyrockets to 85%.  They are sadly fighting an uphill battle earlier than they understand what the heck is going on.
Not fair no matter how you slice it.
Long story short, its just unfortunate to see determining effort placed on actively avoiding the health state of a parent....a state that could have been initially avoided with proper lifestyle changes.
Sad for all parties involved.
HOWEVER, with all that said, I am extremely proud of you (you know who you are), for not only continuing to better yourself, but being honest with yourself and remaining true to your journey.  You may feel like you are crawling sometimes, but girl you are sprinting faster than you'd ever imagine. :)

Well, it is 8:30 and this train is about to come to a halt.  Another long day ahead, but excited to catch up with a few friends this weekend over coffee, chicken, whatever...

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