Sunday, December 18, 2011

Strap's Christmas time!!!

Its Sunday morning and I am finally sitting down to some chicken and sweet potatoes.  Honestly, I can eat chicken anytime of day...shocker.  I went through a phase right out of college where I was eating tilapia for breakfast.  Parents didn't like that too much.  Perhaps one more reason they were kindly "nudging" me out the door.  I get it.  At 23, I wasn't exactly thrilled to be in the basement of my parents house eating fish before 6am either.  Eh, I survived,...and can now pay my therapist with the money I saved.  There's some serious irony in there...

So I just finished cooking my meals for the week.  Yes it takes awhile (about 2 hours for me), and yes the kitchen is a disaster during the process, but I don't have to think about what to eat Monday-Thursday.  If you're on the go during the week its the way to go.  Little tip there for ya....get on it.

It was a hectic week of workouts and I am glad to be taking the day off.  Some Sundays I get restless and feel like if I have energy I need to at least do something, but truth is I don't.  I need a day of rest to let my body recover and grow...and that's when it happens...when you rest, not during your workouts.  So today I plan to rest...and finish shopping.  Two of my favorite things.  Why can't they fit that in the song somewhere?  Right after "girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes" should be "spending some money and sitting on our asses"....apparently no one wanted my input.
Hard to believe Christmas is almost here.  The family events began yesterday with brunch and a game of Dirty Santa with my mom's side of the family.  That ended up entertaining to say the least.  Ironically, my dad opened both of the gifts I brought.  My cousin "stole" one of them:...
When in doubt, have your husband sign a jockstrap and then frame it....makes for an excellent gift.  The best part was when my 2 year old niece walks up and says "What's that?"....Yeah, explain a jockstrap to a 2 year old in one sentence that mentions absolutely nothing having to do with its actual function.  I've got to get used to this whole G-rated life.

Needless to say, we had a blast and kept it semi-clean.  I'd like to think I won that game...brought a jockstrap and another borderline-inappropriate gift, and walked away with a Coach purse.  Great way to start the week before Christmas.

Ok, time to wrap a few gifts and then finish up some shopping.  This week is going to fly by and before I know it I'll be back at another Christmas function "explaining things" to 2 year olds.  Don't worry, I go this...

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is that I'm laughing...hard. And that somehow I'm not totally surprised :)
